
Do you think Sleep s*x is rape?

by  |  earlier

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I'm writing a paper in phil class, and its on rape, i'm supposed to compare to articles then talk about a third one related to the others. I chose sleep s*x cuz it sounded like a huge gray area, but now, i'm straddling the fence. Is it rape or isn't it?




  1. if two people consent to sleep together (and i mean sleep), and have been intimate, then no... you can't be held responsible for your unconscious mind... :D

  2. Yes that's rape. Any time you're unconscious you can't give consent to much less enjoy s*x. No one has the right to take advantage of someone who is sleeping. It doesn't matter if their married, in a relationship or what.  

  3. not sure what is meany by sleep s*x need more information. I f you both consent to sleep together and you wake up in his grasp having s*x, without you consenting that, it would appear that you were raped. However, you have put yourself in the situation and it may be hard to prove innocence in the rape charges. I would judge this o what each expected when you went to bed together. Most people know that will result if one is that close in bed

    Good luck in your project-- a good paper to research

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