
Do you think Smoothy King was acting illegally on selling hurricane victims ice at $5 a bag?

by  |  earlier

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People were desperately searching for ice after the hurricane and Smoothy King took advantage of the situation and peoples desperate need and was selling bags of ice for $5 a bag. Someone said there is an 1-800 to call and report them for price gouging like that. Morally I think it was totally wrong. What do you think? Should I report them?




  1. yes its immoral and probably illegal. The goverment allows gas to go up crazy and blames it on hurricanes. Thats a double standard for them. But they have probably pissed alot of customers off. People do remember that. Go to another store. They are crooks!!! I would let it go and tell people about it . Tell them did you see the bagg of ice price at.... They will think about it and it should eat at there concious and not like to buy from them.

  2. Yes you should report them. That is price gouging and the feds come down hard on businesses taking advantage of folks during a disaster.

  3. They put themselves in a bad situation doing that. I don't know the story because i'm not from the US but if this is true they totally ruin their company image and by that their long term profits. I doubt anyone who are victimised in that area and lost so much will ever consider buying there a smoothie again.

    Even if the company decided it was cost efficient or to cover certain costs it was not a smart move. If the just handed out and helped the victims it would be much more profitable on the long run. Very shortsighted by anyone who have made that poor decision, i don't think suing them over it will help alot but you can bring it into the news if it hasn't been already. By doing that it will probably cost them alot more.

  4. I agree with the first poster. Forget morals for a second. Just from a pure business standpoint, that was a very poor choice. Sure, the store might make an extra thousand or two quickly, but ultimately, I think they will lose a lot of business from a move like that. No one who felt cheated like you do (and I imagine you are not alone) by the store is going to shop there anymore when times are good again.

    I think if there is a way to report them, you should pursue it, but I think they've already "shot themselves in the foot".

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