
Do you think Sony or Microsoft will ever make their own version of Super Smash Brothers?

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If you are wondering why I put this in the Wii section, is because I like the Wii section >_>




  1. Yes.  It is too lucrative of a genre to ignore.

    Hilpoof - I don't think the question is asking whether they will create a game using the same Nintendo characters.  I think they are referring more to that "style" of game.

  2. I dont know, personally I think microsoft has Halo franchise and Sony have God of wars and final fantasy franchise.  

  3. How? Neither company actually owns the rights to any characters. Just because a game is "exclusive" to a console doesn't mean that the console developers own the characters involved. Microsoft and Sony are console developers, not game developers. Nintendo is both.

    With the exception of Sonic and Snake, Nintendo created and owns all of the Super Smash Bros characters. Nintendo got special permission from Sega and Konami to include Sonic and Snake in SSBB.

    ***I realize that Sony and Microsoft aren't going to recycle Nintendo characters, but the issue is that neither company owns any characters to put into a game like Super Smash Bros. The appeal of Super Smash Bros is to see various Nintendo mascots duke it out. Neither Microsoft nor Sony has mascots like Nintendo does. It's very easy for Nintendo to just throw their characters into a game together; I imagine there would be a much bigger licensing headache if Sony or Microsoft contacted the owners of each character they wanted to use.

  4. They probably should, but Ive always seen nintendo and wii as the more multiplayer, light hearted type gaming console, where yeah, for 360 and ps3, the likes of halo and metal gear solid jump more to mind

  5. Well not from Sony or Microsoft directly I don't think as HilPoof has pointed out they simply don't have the wealth of characters Nintendo does, as for copying the style of game, I'm surprised some 3rd party hasn't churned out some copy of it by now, and also to compare Soul Caliber to Brawl isn't right they are completely different, you'd be as well comparing Mario Galaxy to Secret Rings just because they are platform games.

  6. Yes, its called Soul Calibur IV and is dominating the charts

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