
Do you think South Ossetia should become independent from Georgia?

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From 1989 to 1992 Georgians killed over 3000 civilians in South Ossetia?

over 300 were reported missing, over 100 villages have been burned down by Georgians, over 30,000 Ossetians were seeking refuge in Russia in order not to get killed by Georgians. Georgians forced Ossetians to change Ossetian names, forced them to change Ossetian alphabet.




  1. The case with S.Ossetia is same as Kosovo's case was.

    So S.Ossetia must become independent from Georgia

    By the way, Georgia became Russian's land in 1586.

    That year Georgian Tsar Aleksandr asked Russian Tsar Feodor to protect Georgia from Osman Imperia. Georgia that period was a little region without Ossetia.

  2. From 1989 to 1992 there was no country of Georgia it was part of the Soviet Union and the Russians ran the Soviet Union so if anything was done in that time frame it would have been under Russian control and orders.  I think you have listed a bunch of propagnada and not looking at what the truth is.  The "genocide" and mass deportations the Russians have talked about as justification for their defense this time around have been pretty well debunked and the lack of independent confirmation because the Russians will not let them in says it is not accurate.  What little house and village burning that has been verified has been Georgian villages and homes by the South Ossetian para-military and under the watchful eye of the Russian military and "Peacekeepers".  The Russians have violated the cease fire they digned, refused to pull back to the areas they agreed to pull back to, allowed widespread looting and destruction by the SO paramilitary inside Georgia and done quite a bit of it themselves.  They even denied that until the film came out.  South Ossetia has always been a historical part of Georgia when it was independent, when it was annexed by the Russians under the Czar, when it was brieflty independent in the early 20th Century, was conquered by the Russians again in 1921, and when it finally got independence again in 1992.  Those areas were recognized by the Czars of Russia and by the Soviet Union as part of Georgia.  The Georgians do not have the right to kill Ossetians and the Ossetians do not have the right to kill Georgians either but most of what has been verified is much more the Ossetians doing the killing, burning and forcing evacuation of Georgians and not the other way around.  If the Georgians did that to the South Ossetians then have the Russians take it to the World Court like the Georgians have instead of doing in internally inside their legal system which they actually have no right to do since it is an international legal case.

  3. then thethere would be thousands of countries and the us would not exist.Ossetia was full of georgians before the russians forced them to leave in 1991 so it's a fake separatist.It is Russia that wants to extend its territory

  4. For one, you should get your facts straight. And those facts wont' be coming from channel 1 of Russian TV.

    Neither S.O. not Abkhazia are asking for independence. All they're asking is the permission to join Russia. That is way far from independence, especially when we talk about Russia.

    Don't go too far for the example, 300,000 dead Chechens during 2 Chechen wars because they asked for independence should give you a good idea what Russia really thinks of independence and human rights.

    If Georgians were killing Ossetins like sheep, I doubt it would be Georgians evicted from S.O. first in 1991-92, then last week.

    Also, as there are over 100,000 Osetins living in Georgia and I suspect if Georgians were as bad as you attempt to describe, those guys would be dead long ago.

    So, it is part of Georgia and neither Russians, nor Ossetins had the right to kill and drive out civilian population in 91-92 and last week. That is called ethnic cleansing.

    How would you know if Georgians and S.O. can't live together anyway?

    If 100,000 Ossetins manage to live in peace in Georgia itself, why S.O. is so different?

    May be Russian influence, Russian money and arms going to separatists have something to do with it?

    Russia as a peacekeeper in any place on this planet is a bad joke.

    Especially having Russian "peacekeeping" forces where they clearly side separatists, arm, finance and fight on their side. What peacekeeping are you talking about anyway?

    if anything, Russia was separatists ally from day one.

    To Bismark - Georgia signed treaty with Russia in 1792 and later Russia in typical manner violated treaty and annexed Georgia. At least check wikipedia or something before posting.

  5. why nobody ask about US-IRAK;US-AFGANISTAN;US-SERBIA?.....and more.

  6. if they want independance they have to fight for it,

    whoever puts up a hard fight they've got my number

  7. JW.C, now would u please explain to me, how it became a part of georgia? :) u seem to know much about it, or ur at least pretending to

    2 simple facts: georgia joined ussr later, than ossetia.. when georgia became an independent country again, ossetia also wanted independence..

    so plz tell me why ossetia shouldnt be independent from georgia :)

  8. No, its part of Georgia, whether you like it or not.

  9. Let me give you the example of Ukraine:

    After Ukrainian independence, Crimea (which has a large Russian and Tatar population) declared independence. An agreement for a total autonomy of Crimea was however found and as a result:

    - Crimea has a lot of cultural and political rights

    - no brutality was used against Crimean people

    - Crimea enjoys a good democracy

    - The influence of Russia on Crimea has been limited.

    Now compare the situation to how Georgia treated Abkhazian and Ossetian people... the only outlook Georgia gave to them wast the direct control by foreign (Georgian people) of their culturally distinct society and the "Georgianization".

    It is funny to see how the oppressed nation, once freed from its oppressor is so prompt to do the same to other people.

    Seriously, would it have hurt Georgian people to give a broader autonomy (and not only a token one) to Ossetia? no!

  10. I don't see why not . The precedent was set in what was Yugoslavia when the West supported the breakaway regions of Croatia,Macedonia, etc. The Serbs were painted as the bad guys for not wanting parts of their country to succeed so why is the West doing the opposite in relation to Georgia/South Ossetia. Could it be that they/we see the opportunity of putting one over on the Russians.

  11. Sure, and the Confederate (CSA) states should become independent too. I keep waiting for the Mexican army to set us free.

  12. It depends on the person. Many Georgians have started not to care anymore about South Ossetia, they just want peace again. The majority of Russians see it as an extension of their homeland and rightfully Russian.

  13. Yes, just like Georgia got its independence from Russia, why shouldn't Ossetia, just because they were unjustly drawn into the boundary of Georgia who they have nothing in common with. Time to correct the mistake. If someone deposits money into my account but the owner wants it back, I have to give it to the rightful owner. No different. I can't try to kill the owner so I can keep it. Georgia is only pulling that immoral stunt because it has the West in its pocket due to the oil pipeline that started going through its country last year, so it feels like it can do whatever it wants with the West backing them up, which we are sadly witnessing to be the case, with the US most vocally in favor of this unjustice. It would otherwise never have attempted to do this since they are too weak on their own to face the Russians and it is so immoral, but they see how immoral the US is and are riding on their coattails, following in their bloody Iraqi footprints to do the same to Ossetians with their assistance - to kill the h**l out of innocent people to force them to be under their control.

  14. Yes yes and yes.

  15. Hummm..... change the name of Georgia to Russia and the name of Ossetia to Georgia and you would be correct in your statments , Past and Now Present as well !!

    P.S.   Everyone deserves freedom and self independence !!!BUT you cannot claim freedom and then fall under the hand of communism just for self gain and protection.From those who desire true freedom of its country and people .

    Georgians were fighting against terrorists who crossed into her borders from Ossetia to start with , START with that FACT first !!

  16. NO!

    Your facts are mostly fiction since they do not give the background of the situation.

    What would we do if Canada tried to annex Maine or Michigan and sent weapons and troops into those states..

    Russia has tried, since the end of the cold war, to regain control of Georgia and other former Soviet Union countries. Russia has encouraged and supported separatists in Georgia and Ukraine and fomented trouble for those western leaning democracies.

    Russia even has given Russian passports and citizenship to Russian speaking citizens of Georgia as a pretext for " rescuing" them from Georgia.

    Russia's invasion is nothing but a cold hearted power grab.

    Heorgia is an US ally and we should help her anyway short of actually going to war with Russia. We have man yway in which we can do so.

    Edit to Ohh: I am an American from Michigan.

    What part of Russia are you from?

    Edit to N:  Same question I asked Ohhh.  What part of Russia are you from?  Your English is good but a long way from natural.

  17. Sure, let them have it.  It's just going to end up being like the "Palestinians" but I guarantee you, the violence won't stop.  The S. Ossetians will continue the violence because the purpose of the violence is to cause trouble to Georgia, funded by Russia.   I'd love to see some links to verify that information you've given.

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