
Do you think Spanish should be the official language of America?

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Do you think Spanish should be the official language of America?




  1. No.

    I don't think America should have an "official" language because its just a land full of immigrants...albeit, most people here speak English, but thats only because its a British based thingy. I dont think there should be an official language and if there was the "ppl" wouldn't let it be Spanish bcuz that would mean admitting that english speaking ppl don't control the world.

  2. No.

    When this nation was started no officially sanctions languae was specified. This was because, there was no dominant language in the original colonies. There were 5 european languages (English, German, French, Danish and Spanish)and several Native American languages in use.

      English has long since become the defacto standard language and it makes sense because English is the preferred language for international commerce at this time.  Making Spanish the official language would make it a legal requirement for all government paperwork to be in Spanish. It would require all non native Spanish speakers to learn Spanish. So why should the majority of the population be required to  conduct all business in the language of a specific minority?

  3. fail. Do you relize what would happen to the world market if the US make spanish their language. Just because they don't do anything about mexicans(yes mexicans, other hispanics usually do not jump the border) dosen't mean they should ruin the world more then they already have. Honestly... US has one of the worst education systems in the world, the last thing they need is switching languages.

  4. WTF!!!


    Even though like almost everywhere you go there is someone that don't know English or just acts like they don't know.

    That would be like Americans going to Mexico and demanding they all speak English. Which if that happened we'd get shot and laughed at...

  5. Absolutely not. And I'm tired of reading everything in English and Spanish both. Why just Spanish and not every other ethnic group that lives in the U.S.? My grandfather came from Mexico, and he didn't speak Spanish to any of us. He spoke English and was proud to be an American citizen.

  6. No, go to Mexico if you are so die-hard about the Spanish language. I must agree 95% with protoham when he says "I think American should be the official language." Only well, you know. I think English should be the official language (like it is and will always be). No hablo espanol!

  7. h**l no, in fact i hate fact, i think spanish should be banned from North America, banned from schools.....boy do i hate spanish

    oh and if you hadent got it by now


  8. When th country was first founded they took a vote, English won over German by one vote.  Even then they knew that multi languages would b a problem for government n an economic drain.  English is th universal language. 300 million Chinese speak english.  English should b a prerequisite for citizenship.  

    Bilingual ed is a lost cause n less effective than emersion.

    I might add that none of th Spanish speaking countries compete with America.  There is a reason for that, language.

    This said I think our standards r to low, no HSD should b conferred without a second language proficiency.

    Th Hispanic global community has an organization n in th 90's have tried to make their alphabet more like ours.

  9. **** no.

    i mean i dont hate on the spanish people, but i do think that if they are in AMERICA, and ENGLISH speaking country, they should have to speak english.

    if spanish because the dominate language i would move away with HUGE dissappointment..

    but i strongly believe that it will never become of that.

  10. Spanish should NOT be the official language of USA.

    English should BE the official language of USA.

  11. I think Spanish already is the official language in some areas in Florida.  I have been to a few fast food restaurants there where I got the stink eye from the cashier because I spoke English, kind of bothered me.

  12. Of the U.S.?

    No. It might become the second official language but not the first. Like the Canadians got English and French.

  13. No, I think it should be kinda like a second language like in Canada how they speak french and English.. But officially no way. Our founding fathers built this country on English beliefs/language.. and I think it should stay that way. With as many spanish speaking people comming to the U.S I don't think it would hurt to know a little..

  14. As long as there's only one official language, and its the language the majority of Americans already speak, I really don't care.  Right now it is English, in the future, who knows?  Maybe one day we'll all be speaking Mandarin.  As long as America is still a nation of liberty and ruled by a government of, for and by the people, so be it.

  15. lol no of course not

    its like saying shoudl english be the official language of france


    a lot of ppl speak spanish im sure

    esp near the border

    but theres a whole country other than those mainly spanish speaking areas

    and some americans vacation in mexico

    a lot of them

    so should english be the official language of mexico?

  16. No.  If any language becomes the offical language it should be Chineese because the majority of the people of the world speak it.  Why not have everyone speak the same language?

    Hope this helps.

  17. No, it is the official language of many countries in America already. I don't think an entire continent should have one designated language, especially if there are so many other languages spoken in it.

  18. technically the U.S. has no official language, except for Hawaii, where the official language is Hawaiian.

    edit: I love the comment about learning to speak Thai if she lived in Taiwan, considering that the official language of Taiwan is Mandarin.

  19. No I don't think Spanish should be the "official" language of America, because then what about all the people who live in America who speak English. I mean I know alot of people speak Spanish in America but thats already a official language somewhere else.

    Jay x

  20. No. America has more English speakers, why change?

    English is the most common language on Earth. All those that do not speak English need to catch up.

    30 states in the Union have English as their official language.

    Approximately 82% of America speaks English, only about 10% speaks some form of Spanish.

    There does not appear to be any reason for Spanish to be an official language outside of Spain.

  21. no, i dont think America should have an offical language.We are a diverse country and i think that would be unfair to all immigrants.we have a common business language:English.

  22. Absolutely not, though I do believe that more people in the US should take the time to learn the Spanish language because our largest population of minorities are hispanic ... and then Mandarin Chinese since that is where the bulk of industry is moving and projected to shift to over the coming years

  23. why should it?  nearly everyone speaks english, so why shouldn't english be the "official" language?  Just because the illegal hispanic population is growing does NOT mean we should help them out by learning THEIR language.  they came here, so they should learn english

  24. I don't know about the official language, but you are not the first one to question this... Check out this mans documentary concerning this subject

  25. In the constitution their is no official language but, maybe in the future spanish will become the official language of America because most of our population is hispanic.

  26. It should not. But it's funny how the name of this country "America" is Spanish origin. They named the continent America after Portuguese Explorer Americo Vespucio who had a Spanish name: Americo.

    Why aren't Americans complaining about their country having a Spanish name?

  27. Definitely not. When I came here I had to learn American English, so I was able to understand everyone. If People want to come to this country they should conform, adopt the Language and the Laws.

  28. I don't think that Spanish should be an official language, although I do think that the problem of the massive influx of Spanish-speaking immigrants is not going away and will not easily die out.

    I wanted to address those of you who are under the impression that the United States was founded solely by the English.  This country was actually made up of territory claims, colonies, and influences by England, the Netherlands, Spain, and France.  In fact, the lower half of what is today known as "New England" was once called New Netherland, as it was a territory of Holland.  New York was originally called "Niew Jorck" and there are still many names and influences of the Dutch culture remaining there ("Staten" Island, for example).  New Netherland was actually a huge success as a colony, as far as being an economic power in trading with Europe, and also with their good relations with the native Indians.  But the British population was much higher, so, by default, England took over the territory after a brief war between the two.

    What may surprise you is that when the United States came into being, the founding fathers considered making the official language Dutch, rather than English, because they wanted to break away from Mother England and there was already a substantial Dutch-speaking population in the 13 colonies.  However, they concluded that it would be simpler to stick with English, because the anglophones outnumbered the Dutch-speakers.

    So there you have it: it is purely for the sake of convenience that we are speaking English here today.

  29. i dont think it should be a offilal language but i think that the americans could take the time to try and speack some seeing how mexicans run the restrants that we eat in and god knows americans could not go without going out to eat  and look everyone is so fast to talk **** about mexicans well hello then try and live a day with out them!

  30. NO WAY!!!

    Do you know how much money that would cost???

    We would have to change everything!

    Every sign on the side of every road would have to be changed so it was in spanish and English because not everyone can understand spanish.

    That would be ridiculous!!!

  31. No. I think that English should be the official language of America. The Spanish and Mexican people that come here should have to learn our language, just like if we were there we would have to learn theirs.  If I lived in Taiwan, I would have to learn how to speak Thai. They wouldn't adapt around me, I would have to adapt around them and their culture.

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