
Do you think Susan Atkins should be released from prison instead of spending the rest of her life there?

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Susan Atkins may be released from prison becuse she is terminally ill. She is one of Charles Mansons followers, and helped in several murders.




  1. Yes.  I do think she should be released.  It is highly unlikely that she would pick up her life where she left off and I seriously doubt that she is a threat to society.

    I don't know how she can live with herself after participating in such a horrible crime and there are those who would say that she deserves no compassion.  However, freeing her could be an even greater punishment.  Some people can only function in jail!

  2. Her past crimes are horrible and unforgivable, to say the very least. Although I doubt she is any threat to society at this point, and also believe that if she is released from prison that not only will she not have the desire to murder again (or physically harm anyone), she will also lack the physical capability... Nevertheless, she commited the pre-meditated cold-blooded brutal cruel heartless murder of a pregnant woman, therefore, no matter what her circumstances are, she deserves her legal punishment, and she deserves NO mercy. She was originally sentenced to die, only to have her sentence lightened to life in prison with the possibility of parole (pretty crazy). She needs to pay her debt to society, as she was sentenced to life, she must spend her life through the torment of prison, and her debt will be paid when she dies, right after the moment she takes her final breath, IN PRISON. The best she can hope for is that God has mercy on her soul.

  3. Under no circumstances should she be released until she is dead.

    She committed one of the foulest acts in criminal history and it is only because the state they were tried in did not have the death penalty that she has lived this long.

    I wish for her to die a very slow , painful and protracted death.

  4. No.  She is asking the state to have compassion for her and to release her.  Where was her compassion for her victims?  She received the death penalty so rightfully she should be dead already.

  5. Yes.And when she is out they should set her on fire.

  6. If she is released she will kill again..Atkins is a dangerous person who wants to kill someone before she dies.Why not let everyone who is sick in prison out.She cut Sharon Tates baby out of her stomach while Tate was still alive.

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