
Do you think TNA will be around much longer and what could be done to improve TNA???

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I find it sad that they could only fill half of the arena at Hard Justice...

That's the article.

Do you think a feud with WWE would make TNA more interesting?

Do you think TNA is on the verge of the end?

Do you watch TNA?

What does it need to be improved?





  1. Promotion vs promotion feuds don't work when Vince McMahon is involved.  He will never make any other promotion or that promotion's wrestlers look good at the WWE's expense.  Vince does not "play well with others".

    No, TNA is still growing and expanding their fan base, and their "territory" (they go to more places to perform live).  They are still a relatively new company, still trying to find the right "formula" to satisfy both "wrestling fans" and "WWE fans".

    Every week.  TNA Impact is the best wrestling show on TV.  I also buy more TNA PPVs than WWE PPVs.  TNA gives us much better value for our money.

    What TNA needs is the support of all wrestling fans.  They have signed a number of former WWE wrestlers (star power), they have a tremendous roster of their own wrestlers, and they are trying to follow the WWE formula of balancing storylines with wrestling matches that "WWE fans" demand.  They aren't perfect yet, but neither is the WWE.  What they need more than anything is feedback from and support from all wrestling fans.

    Asinine reactions from close-minded WWE fanboys/girls, such as the first response you got, are irritating in their ignorance.  And yes, kid, you got a thumbs down from The Dragon; you're lucky I didn't report it for chatting.  At least make an attempt to answer the question next time.

    I don't know the attendance at Hard Justice.  TNA does not have anywhere near the marketing and advertising budget that the WWE has.  That's where we, the fans, come in.  Support TNA (and all other wrestling promotions, too!), watch Impact, buy a TNA PPV once in a while, spread the word about TNA.  Let's help them advertise.

    This is not a contest.  We can support every wrestling promotion without being considered a "traitor" to the WWE.  Competition is good.  Remember how stale the WWE got when there were no other promotions to watch?  Notice how the WWE has improved now that TNA is on the map?

  2. All Tna needs is better Main Events every week! Last week main event ended good, but the match was dumb! They need to focus less on the Midcard matches and focus on The Mainevent more!

  3. TNA sucks. Get rid of it.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  4. tna is trying to re-create the attitude era

  5. Yes a feud with WWE and TNA would make everything interesting. TNA is an upcoming wrestling show, but sometimes it would have it's downfall. I watch TNA once a while. They can improve their show by having more plots , storylines, and no stupid storylines.

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