
Do you think Tabacco compaines should be shut down?

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I don't think so, but give me your point of view.




  1. Yes, because there are other drug dealers who don't kill even a fraction as many people, who get locked up, and don't make as much money.

    If weed companies were legal, then I'd be cool with Tbac companies.

  2. I don't think so-people can make their own choices and the abuse of things is more of a problem than the product itself.

  3. well i think so

    if u see how much people are dieing coz of it...

  4. Shutting Big Tobacco down would go against the very foundation of America.  Yes, it's dangerous.  Yes, it's disgusting, but it's a great staple of American heritage and should be preserved.  As long as there are smokers in America, there will be cigarettes.  

    It's very true that there would be a black market (which creates crime) for tobacco if it were ever to be abolished.  Here's a tip: study The Prohibition.  Did that work out???

  5. Sounds like a nice clean answer but unfortunately, our world isn't always nice and clean.

    If you were to shut them down (would be quite the task), addicts would still be addicts. People would start getting their tabacco other ways (one could argue whether or not this would actually be better or worse...I'm thinking worse).

    Plus, as a society, I think we're becoming more negative towards it. Simply taking it away just makes it more taboo (therefore more irresistible) and would probably undo some things.

    Kind of like censoring hate speech. Just because you don't actually hear it, censorship won't change things as much as more, positive speech.

    If people want to smoke, they know the consequences now, and if they're mature enough, they will make the right decision for themselves.

  6. do you think that would keep people from smoking?  I don't think that it would.  More likely that it would create a black market for tobacco.  much like the illegal drug market.

    They are dying due to their inability to say, NO.

  7. no i like the right to smoke myself to death

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