
Do you think The Dark Knight is overrated?

by Guest21259  |  earlier

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I keep hearing too much hype about that movie and yes i have seen it i thought it was pretty good for an action film. I think people say it's so good because it made over 400 million dollars. I was wondering what you guys thought.




  1. I'm not the kind of person who says to everybody that they have to like this film or they are stupid. I know there are people who genuinely did not enjoy it which is fine, but to say it is overrated is just the classic reaction to any movie that gets buzz, and its really pathetic. Every single negative review I have read has been biased, and lackluster, the person either calls the critics idiots or acts like they expected the movie to be made for their specific liking. Insulting critics who know what they are talking about and know how to give a fair unbiased review, and support why they either liked or disliked a film. I have no respect for the people who say it sucked just because they know everyone likes it, and they don't want to fell like they are jumping on a bandwagon. The only arguments I have heard about it are the usual ones (It was too long, Batman's voice made me cringe, Scarecrow should have been in more scenes, Jack Nicholsons Joker was better, The movie is set in Gotham city, so why does it feel like real world, there was not enough action, etc)

    Personally I think The Dark Knight was the best film I have seen in over 10 years. I went to see all 3 days of opening weekend I was going to see it yesterday but its no longer playing in the theatre where I am. When I saw it, I had the feeling, and I knew I was watching something special.

    Some idiots have said that Heath Ledger just took a bunch of drugs, threw on some make up and did a bad job as the Joker, but any person who knows acting is aware that, that is complete bullsh*t, Heath had to do a lot of work in preparation, and drain his energy and stamina everday because of the high energy of the character.

    Ledgers performance of the Joker was completely mesmerising, stunning, iconic, and legendary. He dissapeared 100 percent into the character. I couldn't even tell it was him. People don't realize that the oscar buzz isn't out of sympathy, its because of an amazing performace, and dedication to a character. As for the rest of the cast, they were crucial to the movie, they all did an equally successful job, and held the film together so it didn't just ride on Ledgers performance.

    I can understand if people didn't like it, but to say it is overrated or a complete failure of a movie, I think those people were expecting way too much out of it, and were expecting it to suit all their wants.

    Final notes: as Michael Caine put it " If Heath doesn't win the Oscar I would love to see the performance of the person who does."

    The Dark Knight in my opinion is a film of epic proportions, Christopher Nolan created a masterpiece of not just a comic book movie, but a masterpiece of cinema and direction. The movie has already gone down in history, and Heath Ledgers performance was absolutely legendary.

    Overrated my a$$ !  

  2. NO! it's not overrated!

    it's an amazing movie. thats why ur hearing so much hype about it!

    R.I.P. Heath =[

  3. NO!

  4. Overrated my @$$! You ididot it's not even that recognized to be overrated and it should be recognized because I saw it yesterday, and it was awsome!

  5. i don't think that it was overated, but i do think that people went a little too crazy over it... a movie is a movie. if it's good, it's good. if it's not, then it's not... The Dark Knight was a excellent movie. enough said.

  6. I haven't seen it because of the hyperbole and the death cult that seems to be forming around the memory of Heath Ledger. I also disliked "Batman Begins" a great deal, so I doubt I would like another Batman film from the same director. I'm going to wait a good long while before I watch "The Dark Knight" but at this point my intuition tells me that it must be overrated.

  7. I think it was. I saw it once and that was enough.

    It grossed 877 million and made 792 million worldwide.

  8. Not at all.

    I admit some people hype it up way too much, but they're also the ones who are totally obsessed with it until next week.

    I've seen the movie 7 times, and it is amazing. The story is phenomenal, the acting was even greater. I felt like a citizen of Gotham who was always in the right place seeing all of it!

    I've always disliked superhero things, so I was dragged to see this movie and I loved every bit.

    It was amazing and deserves all the attention and money that it's being given.

    RIP Heath Ledger, greatest performance I have seen to date.

  9. nope it deserves all the attention it gets.

  10. THANK GOD someone feels they way I do. How many times can you see a single movie? One moron saw it 6 times JUST FOR THE PENCIL JOKE! Also, it might break titanic's record for the highest grossing movie ever, WTF? It's seriously not THAT good people.

  11. i think it was an amazing movie! but it was not for kids...even thought it was batman

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