
Do you think The Detroit Red Wings will win the Stanley Cup?

by Guest64470  |  earlier

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I do!

GO WINGS!!!!!!!!




  1. Nope

  2. No, as good as the Red Wings are I believe Malkin & the Pens will out skate the Wings. Pens are young & fast and the Wings already had their time. Pens in 6 games.

  3. No, sorry.  I think it will be a great series to watch, with both teams pulling out a few wins but, in the end, the cup will belong to Pittsburgh.  LET'S GO PENS!!!

  4. Yes but I'd slightly prefer the Pens to win it only because the Wings are my most loathed team. Wings in 6.

  5. If they play as they should ,the chances are that they the stanley cup

  6. no

  7. No, I think the Pens will win

  8. Yeah, Wings in 6.

    MAF will be surprised at the accuracy from shots from guys like Pavs, Hank, and Lidstrom.  He's going to be frustrated to h**l by Holmstrom.

  9. No, Go PENS...........

  10. As good as they are I would like to see someone else win for once.Nothing against the "Wings" they are a great team.It's just the smae way I felt when the NYY took home the Series every year.No thrill.Same old same old.

  11. Absolutely!   With Lidstrom, Zetterberg, Datsyuk, & Osgood in net, they can't lose!  *prays*

    Let's go Red Wings!!!!!!!!

  12. I agree with boy wonder.. If the Pens think they are going to go out there and skate circles around them.. they are going to find themselves face down on the ice. The wings are A highly Skilled Team, that has Veterans, And a young guys.. And Most of players have been in MULTIPLE Stanley cup finals... So here is what we are looking at in the finals

    1] if detroit is to win, they have to keep up their defence, and hit players like crosby and malkin hard. crush them. make them pay for even stepping into their zone. they also have to keep up their puck possesion. and keep wining faceoffs. osgood also has to step up and be great in the net. other than that the wings look like one tough team to beat. remember The pens got to play teams like the flyers, senators, and the rangers (not really tough teams) yet the wings had to go through teams like the Stars And avelanche. So the wings got a great workout on the way to the finals.. they should be really sharp.

    2] if the pens are going to pull this off. they Are going to have to sneak pucks past Detroits Defence (no easy task) and stay out of the Penalty box. because detroit is wicked on powerplays. They are going to have to play better on defense, because detroit is going to be on a constant press. They need to steer clear of detroits main hitters like kronwall mcarty and drake. because they are going to be headhunting for crosby and malkin. and they are going to hit these kids hard.

    So I pick the Wings. In 6

  13. YES ido


  14. Yes. In six games!!!

  15. Nope. Pittsburgh simply has the youth and speed. Sure it sounds like Detroit has experience but what about Crosby and what he and his team had been through last year and this year? So simply you can't say they don't have the experience. Detroit does have talent but it doesn't match the overall depth of the Pittsburgh team. Penguins in 7.

  16. Yep sure six........maybe seven.

    John....don't know where you would get the idea that the Pens are deep.....that is the Wings who have the depth.  The wings have the talent and the experience over the Pens.

  17. John - the Wings can't match Pitts depth?? The Wings are by far the deepest team in the NHL. Their 3rd & 4th line players would be 1st & 2nd line players on any other team in the league, including Pittsburgh. Get real.

    The Pens are a great team and certainly have a verifiable chance to win the SC. They have youth, speed, skill and some size. But don't forget the Wings have some real speedsters in Draper, Maltby, Helm, Lebda, Filppula and - oh yea a couple of guys named Datsyuk and Zetterberg who are no slouches either. And as far as skill, you've got D & Z, Filppula, Hudler & Helm, and don't foget the best defense in the NHl AND the Vezina trophy winning goalies AND some heavy hitters in Kronwall, Draper, Stuart and McCarty.

    I think this is going to be a very good series, and I don't think either team is going to have a cake walk. My prediction goes to Detroit in 7. They're too good at home.

  18. Yeah! Go Wings!!

  19. I think that the Penguins will win the cup

    Go Pens!!!!

  20. Being a Red Wings fan, I can't help but be biased......BUT

    The Penguins ARE a younger, faster team.....and they will try to skate circles around the Wings.....

    But you forget 3 things....

    1) The Red Wings have many experienced older players, who know what its like to be there. They will not let some young whippersnapper team try to take from them what is very much within their grasp to reach.

    2) The Wings' defense is almost unstoppable. And that doesn't even include our goaltending....which in the regular season is THE best....And if Osgood gets battered and needs to sit, we have another goalie in the likes of Hasek that has been there and is very much capable of doing an even better job than Osgood. The Wings have learned the hard way in the past that you have to be aggressive. And aggressive they have been! The Penguins might be able to skate circles around some of our team, but they will do so with cuts and scrapes and bruises, and sticks up their ****.

    3) Don't forget that the Wings also have young whippersnappers.......And boy are they good.....Zetterburg? Datsyuk? Franzen???? All 3 of them have been magnificent this playoff season, and all are under 30. Not to mention Filppula, Hudler, Lebda, and hard hitters Cleary and Kronwall.....all under 30.

    Don't try telling me the Penguins are younger and faster.....Sure the Wings have age and experience on their side, including captain Lidstrom who's been there and has learned from the best in Yzerman...but we also have some of the best skaters and puck handlers in the entire world.

    If the Penguins think they can pull off 4 games, they had better change their game plan.

    Remember this: The Wings have had the #1 or #2 spot in the playoffs for the past 6 years at least.....and have had some disappointing losses. Expect that they've learned from their mistakes, and they can evolve to match anyone's gameplan now.

    I take the Wings in 6.

    Boy Wonder

  21. No I am pulling for the Pens in 7.  Boy is it going to be fun to watch tho....

  22. do they drink red bull ? apparently it gives you wings

  23. No.  I think the Pens and RedWings are equally matched.  I think the Pens are a little faster, a little bigger, and a little more skilled.  I think the RedWings are a little more savvy, better at faceoffs, and a little more aggressive.  I think it's gonna be a hard fought series, both teams are roughly equal IMO.

    Pens in 7

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