
Do you think Tiger Woods represent the American Spirit? Wy or why Not?

by Guest32072  |  earlier

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quick plez




  1. I am sorry that the Mick "7" is so predjudiced but it takes all types to appreciate the good ones. Tiger Woods gives up much of his time to the foundation which is attempting( with great success) to help many disadvantaged kids to follow a path to better education, better choices and becoming better human beings. As for being aloof, how would the Mick feel if someone came to his work place made all kinds of demands for his time  to the detriment of his work? I will make no further remarks for Yahoo Answers police will be breathing down my neck

  2. What do you mean by the "American Spirit"?  His family certainly shows one can come from ordinary means, work hard and succeed despite facing obstacles.

  3. We as Americans are Sheep we follow the best and we celebrate there attributes.  Tiger I do not think asked for all the media hype and praise from the millions of fans who just tune into his every move.  I am sure Tiger is a good person he does a lot for his foundation as do a lot of celebrated people in this country.  Does an individual who makes $200,000 grand a year and contributes 10 to 15000 a year to charities deserve the same praise.  Tiger is an athlete does he want to be a role model who knows, we do not walk in his shoes so we will never know.  Does he represent the american spirit I really do not think so, does he represent our country I believe that, but we all are sheep we all follow what is great at the moment.  Is Tiger a great person none of us know, a lot of us thought Roger Clemens represented what is good about baseball and he did things the right way, but we all know everyone has there skeletons and i am sure Tiger has some himself.

  4. Tiger Woods is an entity unto himself.  He represents himself.  It's what he does for a living.  His hobby is golf but his real job is being "Tiger Woods".  

    He is barely tolerant to the public and would rather flaunt his "self ego" at every turn, than do anything else.  To those close to him, he is crude and vulgar and a bore to be around.  I doubt that this is an example of the "American Spirit".

    google - I can appreciate everything you're saying and I respect your point of view.  I am also aware of his contributions to all the named organizations.  However, a person in his position is almost required, via public relations, to do these necessary tasks.

    I can only report what I see and hear.........first hand!

  5. I would like to think that the "American Spirit" as  you call it is represented by someone more well rounded than Tiger.  Someone with a college degree, and who has had a few different jobs in their career.  Not just concentrated on golf since before they could walk.  I am not saying he is a bad person, but to achieve the level he has in golf, he hasn't had much time for other things.

  6. Perfectly...America Loves a winner, and hes a ******* winner!

  7. Don't get me wrong, Tiger is great.  He's an amazing golf player.  But making him more than a person albeit a great person needs to be reconsidered.  There are still many great persons in the world who are better qualified to be an idol than the great Tiger.  Take away his golfing skills what do you have?  A sore loser, an ultra competitive person, swears alot at other people, even at a stranger (photographer), greedy (he's got 800 million dollars yet he still wants more by signing up with Gatorade), cocky (he approves the Gatorade commercial saying that he's the best golfer in the world, wait beat Jack first dude), and vengeful (this is well known).  These are not the type of qualities that I want my kids to emulate.

    On the plus side, he's charitable, dedicated, hardworking, talk less and do more, family oriented, etc.

    So he's a human being dude, with his plus and minus.

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