
Do you think Tony Stewart is being pushed aside for the "younger" crowd ?

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I think with all the hype around Busch, Hamlin and now Logano at Gibbs racing, Tony is being thought of as a "HAS BEEN".

What do you think ?




  1. I think Smoke has been a major assistent to the developement of Hemlin an the new kid Joey whats-his-ma-nutts. Kyle on the other hand was smart for getting as far away from Hendrick.  Tony is a seasoned vetren, who really has helped out the baby faces at JGR. Last season at Walkins Glenn, Tony & Denny where running 2nd an 3rd, an Denny came over the radio an told tony thanks for helping him out to get towards the front and racing clean.. Tony replyed, we are working together, but its coming up on GO time... If im not mistaking,,, Tony won that race.  

    JGR would take a major hit if Tony left. Even if they are working with the 2 development drivers to replace Smoke... Coach would be cutting off the hand that feed him for soooo long.  

    and one more thing .... GO ROWDY !!!!!!

  2. Your crazy Joe & JD love Tony!

  3. You used the wrong word. Stewart is not being pushed aside for the younger crowd, he is being pushed aside BY the younger crowd. Older athletes just can't hang with the youngsters. It's the same for any sport. Heck, Jeff Gordon isn't that old and his wins are few and far between lately.

  4. I am sure Tony is still thought of as the 2 time Champion that he is at Joe Gibbs Racing.  He's had some bad luck this season but the second half of the year is always his strongest time, he will win some races this year.  Tony may leave JGR but it's because of the team going with Toyota and Tony is loyal to Chevrolet.  I hope he stays with Joe Gibbs and Home Depot.

  5. I do not necessarilly think he is being thought of as a has-been, at least not yet at least. He has made money hand over fist for JGR, and Gibbs appreciates and respects it. I think that is one of the reasons why JGR has said a few times that they will not let Smoke out of his contract early.

    But, I do think they are trying to plan accordingly for life after next season, when Stewart leaves.

  6. Tony will always be #1.  I will always support him no matter what.  It would be absolutely stupid for Joe Gibbs racing to get rid of the best driver in Nascar.

  7. tony's just in a minor drought right now, but he still has plenty of fans

  8. I don't think he is thought of as a has been at all.  He is just going through a rough time right now just like Jeff Gordon but they will be back and they will be in the spotlight once again.  They are just trying to create a younger audience by hyping the younger drivers so younger people can relate.  It's all about the $$$$$$$$$

  9. Since he's the oldest member of JGR, lots of attention is on his performance and his teammate's racing.

    I think he's lost some attention, but I don't think he will be leaving JGR next season.

  10. Tony comes alive for the 2nd half of the season and that's all there is to that...

    as far as Joey goes, he will not be driving for Tony, if he drives in the cup series it will be in a 4th Gibbs car...

  11. perhaps....thats how I felt with Bobby Labonte's situation there.

  12. I believe this is the case. Something is a miss in the 20 team this year whether it be bad luck and some behind the scenes issues. Stewart has had success with Gibbs but i don't see Tony being too happy driving a toyota. I believe Tony is in his last year at JGR. What he goes on to do is unknown but im certain he will be driving a Chevy

  13. I agree.

    I think it is time for Tony to be his own team owner.  I think he is ready for that step.  Will he buy into Haas?

  14. Even if this were true, do you honestly think Tony's the type to just roll over and play dead??

    If this were true, you bet he'd be out to prove himself 10 times over!!

    And those who would be so bold as to disagree, have been watching a different Tony Stewart than I have!

  15. I think Tony is far from being a "has been" and any organization would love to have someone of his talent. You need to have a senior driver on any team. The youngsters surrounding Tony need his guidance and knowledge to get to the next level. Kyle may be on a good run, but it is longevity that makes champion's, and Tony has his trophies. I don't think anyone at JGR thinks in the manner you are speaking. It is the media who makes it appear that the focus is on the younger guys there, with their 'speculation' that Joey Logano will replace Tony in the 20. None of this was ever spoken of at JGR. Stewart is easily one of the top three drivers in nascar and capable of winning any week,  irregardless of how you think his season is going.

  16. I wouldn't call Tony a "has been" but the media sure had been quiet about him for some time now.  I've been a Stewart fan since his rookie year.  He just does not seem to have the drive to be a champion these last couple of years.  It looks like his desire is just not there.

    The ONLY media attention he's gotten this year is because of the answers he gave about his contract.  He's won everything he's wanted to win, and I think he's looking for something more - something bigger to push him harder.

    I'd like to see him stay with Gibbs and run his own team separately.  It will be tough though, because I think he wants Chevy and running a Toyota but owning a Chevy team in the same series probably would not look real good to the public.

    I want to see him have that drive again.  I want to hear him pissed off when listening to the scanner.  I want to see him become the champion again that he has proved he can be.

    BUT he has to show it on the track.  Only then will the media stop concentrating on the "younger" crowd and more on him.  He needs to win.

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