
Do you think Tony is trying?

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Is Tony even trying to do good anymore or do you think he has been to distracted or something? I mean in the past 5 weeks he has only had 1 top 10 finish. Is it just bad luck? This week they are racing at Sonoma. Tony like always qualifies good here? By the looks of things he is going to end up in the 30s or 40s! Was the car just not right? What do you think Tony's problem is?






  1. I think I heard somewhere that Tony does not get going until summertime. Since today is officially the start of summer, maybe he will pick up the pace. I think the stats do actually show that he has only like 3 wins in his career that came before summertime, after summer starts, he is a force! I hope this helps!

  2. go tony !!!!!! he is a  awesome driver thats cuz its his passion  go smoke  !!  and theres nothing rude one can say about tony he is who he is and that makes him him!

  3. There is something going on behind the scenes in the team over there.  He mentioned a few weeks ago that negeotiations have taken a turn for the better for his future...  

    It is like Darrell Waltrip has always said even in his driving days.  3-5 years with a team is a dream.  6-career is a dying cause.  Things turn from "Well gettem next week", to "MF" you aren't even trying...

    If Gordon wasn't so involved in Hendrick, I would say he would have left after the 06 season...

  4. everyone seems to think Tony is a late bloomer. He does better towards the end of the season. YEAH RIGHT!

    if it's any consolation, I think he's gonna drive a good race in Sonoma

  5. Tony's a Champion!   He's just having the crappiest season ever I think.  He'll come out of it.  I don't think he is being distracted by other things...tho maybe leaving/staying with Gibbs may be on his mind.

    Many drivers run good and have bad luck sometimes.  he'll bounce back before the end of the season.

  6. I think he is trying, he doesn't seem like the kinda guy that would lay back at anything. He is a race car driver that loves to win. You could really see his disappointment last week at Michigan in the post race interview.

  7. He would have won at Charlotte if not for the flat tire with a few laps to go.  But I do wonder if he really wants to win for Toyota.

  8. i thank he has been sore of scare from that bad wreck he had  last year and i don't thank he is trying to win but i was hoping that he was going to do go today for the qualifying

  9. Well he might be upset driving the toyota, if he dosn't improve the next couple of weeks then he might not have his heart into it. It unfortunately seems to me that he dosn't have his heart into it anymore.  Hopefully that will change he is a great driver and I would like to see him win more races.

  10. I know I wouldn't feel right if I had to drive a camry while all my friends were watching. He will be fine once he gets away from the little g*y car.

  11. if u mean tryin to lose weight then yes.

    I'm kidding. ;-)

    I think he really is trying.He just does better after the 400 at Daytona.He usually never has a win till then.

    Not saying he's a bad driver but just saying he shines around the Brickyard 400 time of the season.

  12. I wonder if Tony has an equipment performance clause in his contract?  If his contract does have one a below average finish (for him) could give him an out from his contract.

  13. Tony is first and foremost a very passionate racer.  Make no mistake that every time he is on the track, he is doing all he can do to win that race.  He's just having a little bit of a struggle for now, but he always improves in the 2nd half of the season.  Have faith...He will get better!

    Go Jr.>>>>

  14. of course he is trying. he's trying very hard but what rotten luck huh?  I still see him getting into the chase.

  15. I'm not sure about that. I can say that Tony has had some rotten luck this year and got into some accidents that wasn't his fault and that is probably playing on his nerves a little bit.

  16. I dont remember what i was watching but Zipedelia said he's been distracted by the hole contract deal so.

  17. I don't think he is trying. All is other series races he does are chevys. His favorite manufacturer is chevy. I am not a chevy fan by any means, but Tony hates driving for a toyota. He is in a bad situation. I don't think he wants to win because he will be giving toyota credit. I know he should have won at charlotte but i think if he was still in a chevy, you would see more out of him.

  18. Tony never sandbags. He's had a run of bad luck, and he's going through another one of those infamous stretches where his head's not right (JMO).

    He'll be there when it's over! I'm not even 100% sold on the idea he's leaving Gibbs.

  19. You have asked a very interesting Question,

    and I don't even know how to begin to answer it,

    But I was wondering the same thing during the Pocono

    race, he just didn't seem to have his heart in it,


  20. Sure Tony is trying - just like Jeff is trying.  They just aren't successful yet.  But their time will come.

  21. you know that thought has crossed my mind too but then I remember who I'm talking about and I don't think Tony would do anything but his best because he is 1st and foremost a racer and he loves it!! I don't think he's real happy not being in a Chevy and he I'm sure he's got the whole leaving/staying at JGR thing on his mind but I think Tony will start heating up again real soon It's that time of year again for him to start smoken up the track and smoken out the competition!! have faith he'll get it together soon!!

  22. Tony has car issues, he is not nor would he ever just quit it is not in his glorious DNA...GO SMOKE

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