
Do you think UK government will be able to conduct Olympics as grand as China?

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China has spent 40 billion dollars for Olympics which is almost 5 times the one spent by Australia in 2000.

Will England be able to spend such a huge amount for this? will it be as grand as China's?




  1. No, the UK will put on a more modest Olympics.

    This is a good thing - get the price too high and we'll only have a choice of 2 or 3 venues.

    China used the Olympics for propaganda purposes - that's why they were so willing to spend.

  2. The UK's Olympics will be better because they will be conducted in the appropriate spirit of the event, without such sad things as

    (1) hiding little girl singers who aren't "cute" enough while lyrics are lip-synched by a (supposedly) good-looking, talentless child.

    (2) cheating with outrageously underaged gymnasts whose birth documents don't match ages declared to the IOC.

    (3) insane people stabbing innocent tourists to death before leaping to their own demise.

    (4) computer-enhanced fireworks.

    (5) the UK will not have to post signs everywhere telling everyone how to behave like civilized people because everyone over there already is civilized - no spitting, slurping, eating rats, or whatever. (These are all things Chinese people actually do and some were requested by the government for them not to do during the Olympics).

    (6) the UK will not have to scurry to make coastal areas useable because industrial pollution has caused red tides, creating hazards to athletes participating in sports in those waters.

    So regardless of how "spectacular" China wanted their Olympics to be, it was horribly marred, and no amount of money can cover that. It is correct to feel pride for the things China did correctly - there were many - but overall, "grand" is not a word I would use to describe it.

    And no, I'm not from the UK.  

  3. england would do it a BILLION times better than China. wait and watch

  4. Yes, as long as the Aussies show them how it's done,  the way we showed the Chinese.

  5. well said, Cheryl, China put on a pretty face for the tv cameras, but what about the millions and millions of people living in poverty, what about the substandard building codes, what about the swimming venue that needed citizens to clear the gunk out of it.  What about the lack of pollution control. What about the fact that peaceful protesters were denied a right to speak and in some cases jailed?  What about the people whose homes were destroyed to build the venues? I fear that nbc glorified the olympics without looking at the majority of the population and their standard of living.

  6. Yes. Don't worry about the economy.

  7. Its going to be tough but remember england already has several sporting faculties available while china had to spend so much on it

  8. The money China spent wasn't just for the Olympics...they were making a point, and a grand one at that  

  9. It's not going to be any problem for UK to organize the Olympics as grandly. A better question would be: "How bad is the Indian organization going to look compared to the Olympics in China during 2010 Commonwealth Games"?

  10. China PROVED THE WEST WRONG. With all that speculation that China is too poor and environmentally a health risk. China did not only do A GREAT JOB, China also showed the world that China is not the China we were taught in Western schools. The only China I learned about from Middle school to H.S was how they were communists and always trash the environment, never teaching us about their 1000's of years of culture, and today's ever growing economy and world influence.

    Some may even accuse China of cheating the gymnastics, simply because CHINA OUT PERFORMED them, and stunned them.

    Even athletes were taken care of a lot better than they did in any other Olympic games, plenty of supplies such as water, snacks, towels, medics, an outstanding shows and fun worth 45 Billion Dollars.

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