...provocative, in trying to assert their identity in this way?
in a [UK] culture where down the centuries, only thieves murderers and rapists have gone about their business hiding their faces...it is surely impossible not to believe that these incomers are perfectly well aware of the snub they are delivering to the social norms of the UK [..safe in the smug belief they Used to have...that political correctness would protect them from any criticism]
the connotation that hiding your face has always had in our country, is of Treachery.so why would any incoming group to this country try to assert themselves with an action that would be guaranteed to put the backs up, of the local population....given than there is no religious injunction on them to do so?
dont others also read this behaviour as being much more about a spiteful rejection of uk culture, rather than anything genuinely religious?
is it that they come from a culture where "the other" is viewed with contempt, where a culture-wide view is present that all other faiths are inferior and destined to succumb to eventual worldwide proliferation of islam - and so, others norms dont need to be respected?
also in a warped [arabic] culture, where honour is tied to a womens sexual conduct...it creates a situation of extreme s*x-scarcity for arab males and only reinforces a womans need [in public] to appear sexually unavailable if not invisible, in order to protect them from molestation by frustrated single arab males.
i feel personally insulted by the implicit accusation that a woman having to hide her face from a males gaze, levels at me...due to the ******-up sexual traditions of culture she's come from.
shouldnt these people abide by Our customs when they come to live in Our country...or find another country to live in, if they want to go around dressing like lepers..whose face no one can see?