
Do you think UK will become one big city one day ?

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Do you think UK will become one big city one day ?




  1. Not exactly. But then you need to keep some space for growing food, recreation etc.

    Having said that we are already one of the most densely populated countries on earth. There just ain't much space for us all here!

  2. No I dont think so

  3. i don't know, maybe

  4. probably not.  please send madonna back to detroit.  she is not english at all.

  5. It is likely that some cities will grow and conurbations start to merge. For example, the M1 corridor has been 'encouraging' urban development along its length for many years and it may be that Birmingham and London will be linked, literally, one day.

    However, the U.K. cannot become one big city. There are too many areas which cannot realistically be built upon in any large-scale sense i.e. for cities. Mountains, forests (now being extended in many areas, lake areas, wetlands and protected National Parks, to name a few, are unsuitable. Maybe a few specialised items of construction will take place in, say, mountains - but not housing estates, business parks and motorways!

    Actually, only about one third of the U.K. is built upon, although it may seem like more to people who live in conurbations and who rarely leave them,

    An implication of your question is what will happen if our population grows very fast? This does not seem likely, as our population, now at around 60 millions, has not grown very much in recent times, despite some people's fears about immigration. This is not the primary cause of population growth in our country. The period of rapid population growth, during the Industrial Revolution, is over.

    Of course, there are always arguments about new building, especially of houses on green field sites and low-lying river estuaries. You see these highlighted on the news very often. Nobody wants it - but people have to be catered for. Refurbishment of perfectly good older properties has a part to play. This does not cause 'city expansion'.

    Perhaps, one day, we will use oil-platform technology to build cities in the sea!

    However, I think that you can rest assured that 'England's green and pleasant land' will exist for a very long time - even if it takes you a long time to get to see it by car, on increasingly crowded roads!

  6. could do. depends on how long you want to wait

  7. Cmon,it aint that small.

  8. Not likely, much of the UK is still undevoloped.  And GMan, you can keep Madonna.  We're glad she's out of our hair.

  9. No but I think the cities we've got will continue to have their housing densities increased to the detriment of the majority of the population who have to live in towns and cities.  It is time the burden was shared.

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