
Do you think US society is irresponsible and consumer-driven?

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Number of people in debt

Number of people who need the newest fashion/gadgets regardless of their income

Number of STDs

Number of abortions

Drop out rate in metropolitan areas




  1. Yes, I'd say so - almost a case of market failure.

    The success of capitalism relies on the ideals of 'rational economic man' - that one maximises his utility WITHIN HIS MARGINS i.e. income.

    This does not appear to be what is happening. People are borrowing from banks who are irresponsibly lending (although I would argue this is more the case of the individual - the bank is just providing a service) and then wasting the money on goods which depreciate in value.

    Education is always the way of fixing things, but how that will happen, I don't know. You highlight that as a problem yourself - drop out rates and STDs.

    I don't know how to fix it, but everyone can see there's a problem. However, I'd argue to h**l that fiscal planning and how to handle money should be taught in school. Common sense it may be, but common sense ain't that common any more, and someone needs to teach these people how not to mess up their own lives - and the economy.

  2. The short answer is yes. The per head consumption of the average American in terms of energy and natural resources is significantly higher than that of people in other developed countries, even those with similar economies

    Let's look at the numbers. America consumes 23% of the world's energy but only accounts for 5% of it's population.

    A lot of this is down to the Americans equating material possessions with success and position in society, and the rest is due to the overwhelming attitude that "I deserve it". People aren't happy with a 30" plasma TV, they want a 52" TV, they aren't' happy with a family car, they want an SUV, and so on.

    Peer pressure also accounts for some of this. People are pressured into wanting things and are made to feel bad if they don't have them.

    STDs are largely a problem of America's mixed conservative/liberal society. People have a liberal attitude to s*x but a conservative attitude to barrier contraception. They are religious enough not to use condoms, but don't seem to be sufficiently religious to wait until they are married.

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