
Do you think Van Gogh might have been a bi?

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Do you think Van Gogh might have been a bi?




  1. there's really no proof of anything about Van Gogh's sexual orientation.  he once courted a female cousin and was very upset when she rejected him.  he once lived with a female prostitute.  he had a very close friendship with Gauguin and was very upset when it went bad.  that's all we really know and it's not enough to say if he was bi or not, though certainly folks have said it.

  2. Van Gogh cut off his ear lobe because of the breakdown of his relationship with Paul Gauguin, no one has specifically said anything about his relationship with Gauguin it is merely speculation.

    All I know is that he felt very strongly for Gauguin and I believe the breakdown of the friendship caused a much stronger bout of melancholia and caused him to commit suicide.

    He may have been g*y. He may have been BI.

    We will never know.

    Personally I think his friendship with Gauguin was purely "artistic" He admired Gauguin's work and Gauguin helped him find his niche is the art word.

    But that is my opinion, I hope I helped.

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