
Do you think Veganism is right??

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I'm a Vegan and believe that Veganism is the right thing to do.I am not insulting anyone who is not a Vegan but asking your opinion.I do not believe in animal slaughter or using animals to produce milk,eggs,cheese,yogurt,etc.I don't think that God put animals on this Earth to be eaten or used.Adam & Eve ate only fruit when they were created.I think that animal slaughter was created in the B.C times to survive.Please forgive me if you are offended in any way.I do not mean to hurt any one.But who shares my beliefs??




  1. i sort of disagree with you...because i think that god did put animals here for us to use, but i think we have abused our use of them. i think god wanted us to eat meat and use their products. but i still respect vegans because they are doing what they believe in

  2. I think that it's right in my case.

    I don't think that mentioning God helps the case for anyone.

  3. Yes i do think it's's not fair to animals they are just like humans except they can't talk or defend themselves!


  4. I think veganism is right. It's better for the individual, for the earth, and for the animals. That's my choice.

    With that being said, I respect other people's choices to NOT be vegan, even though I would love to see a vegan world.

  5. Yes, Adam and Eve were herbivores at first, this is true, but this didn't last long.

    Since you are talking about God doing, or not doing something I will go ahead and assume that you believe that all things happen for a reason/purpose/use. That being said, what is the use of a cow (for example)? to cut the grass? please! And what about fish? since you are a vegan you don't eat fish either, yet Jesus fed that mass of ppl with what? loaves and fish, that's what.

    Now don't get me wrong, I am against animal abuse also, but what I AM for is animal use.

    God Bless You!!! =)

  6. adam and eve only ate meat until they ate from the 'tree of knowledge' and commited sins. (inferred that meat eating is a sin?)

    yes i do. who are we to say that we rule over everything?

  7. You're entitled to your opinion but you're gonna find a lot of opposition. :)

  8. do you think raising animals that pollute and eat food that could be used to feed starving ppl and killing them cruelly is right? i doubt god thinks this is okay.

  9. Adam & Eve would drink milk, eat eggs, and stuff, thats why animals make them

    but other than that i believe animal slaughter is wrong, and how they kill them is wrong, (pigs for example)

  10. I don't think veganism is right or wrong but I do believe (from this forum, mostly) that far too many people are involved in it because of bad or flat-out misleading information about animal production given to them by completely left-leaning organizations (peta,, etc.) that have a clear agenda and find vegans a convenient avenue to get their message out.

    As a dietary choice, I don't care at all.  Many however, literally view animal production as "evil" "cruel" and "mean" which is preposterous when you think about it because cattle and dairy men and people just like you and I, so there is no logical reason to believe they are any more cruel or evil than anyone else in the general population.  When you see animal production as I do; a business, then there should be no problem with it.  It is frustrating to have so much judgment handed down from the outside by people who really don't understand what goes on or why.

  11. just skimming I saw someone posted that human teeth are intended to eat meat....ummm, I'd like to see you chase down an antelope and rip through it's fur and skin with your teeth and devour it.

    I am a strict vegetarian and don't buy any dairy or egg groceries (unfortunately I haven't applied this to my social life, like ordering pasta or bread at restaurants for example)

    I feel that killing a helpless animal for consumption is akin to killing or hurting a helpless baby.  People just don't do it.  No one would hurt a baby who cant physically or verbally defend itself.

  12. in the bible, (after the flood i think) God gives permission for people to eat animals, so i have no problem with it.

             ****a couple hours later****

    okay i found the verse: its deuteronomy (12: 15) But if thou desirest to eat, and the eating of flesh delight thee, kill, and eat according to the blessing of the Lord thy God, which he hath given thee, in thy cities: whether it be unclean, that is to say, having blemish or defect: or clean, that is to say, sound and without blemish, such as may be offered, as the roe, and the hart, shalt thou eat it.    

    I want to add however that i fully respect your decision. i realize that there are cruel ways that people slaughter the animals that we eat, which i think is the circumstances that most vegans/vegetarians go by, and i agree that it is unnecessary and cruel. but i simply love meat too much and make sure that where i get my meat, they do not do these things. :~)

  13. personal choice with no right or wrong. Aminals used for food mostly are reproduced for that reason and are put to death quickly(some not) but there is good and bad in everything.The entire animal is used. Left over bones are the base for make up, just because it is not tested on animals does not mean it does not contain animals. This is a age old question that will be around forever

  14. i dont think whether its right or wrong should be taken into perspective. i think what needs to be looked at is the health benefits. depending on what age you are it is not healthy for you to be a vegan because you  of the lack of protein and nutrients that meat and dairy provide. jesus was not a sinner, and jesus ate meat, therefore god must not care. but i do have a problem with how the animals are killed. its cruel.

  15. I don't like animal slaughter either, but animals eat animals. I just would like to see less animals wasted.

  16. I agree completely :]

    I'm a vegetarian and would love to make the switch to vegan.. unfortunately i'm a very picky eater.. i do plan on making a proper attempt at it for a while to see if i'm able  to do it..

    but yeah.. i dont care what people say.. we are not 'born with sharp teeth to eat meat with'.. as i said.. i agree 100% and hope someday to become a vegan myself :)

  17. i would have posted this in the Religion section, but I think it is all about belief.  There is no right and wrong when it comes to beliefs.  I'm sure there are a lot of people that share your belief, but does that make it right?  Only you can answer that.

  18. well if u think that Veganism is good for you why not?

    I'm not a vegan but i think that that's a really nice way to live.

    so why not

  19. im not religous at all so my reasons has nothing to do with the bible or adam andeve,i just believe that aniamls dont deserve to be treated unhumanly.i guess i woudnt feel so strongly about it if the animals were treated humanly before death,i still owuldnt eat meant,but id feel more open to other people eating meat.but im with you i dont believe in eating or useing animals for anything,including clotheing or furniture.

  20. You are weak Human totally disagree

  21. right and wrong mean nothing to me and should not mean any they to any one else. the only thing that matters is what your goals are. if you want to be healthy then vegetarianism is fine so is veganism. but if some one wants to build muscle then you basically out of luck if your a vegan. vegetarians on the other hand are ok if they are willing to eat eggs, milk, cheese, even icecream. there is a key protein that only comes from animal products. kind of sucks because plants are cheaper than meat. this means that vegans, from what i understand, don't get this key protein because they eat no animal products. over all heal though than veganism is fine.

  22. If God didnt want us to eat animals then why did He make them so tasty?

    If you want to be a vegan then fine.  Your choice.

    But consider this.

    Man does not have a mouth full of molars with which to grind mouth fulls of fibrous plant material down with.  If you look at animals that are strictly herbivores they have a tooth, skeleton and muscular structure designed for grinding that type of food.

    Man is not designed that way.  We have teeth that are pointy and that are more suited for ripping and tearing flesh.

    So from a strictly anatomical point of view then Man was designed to have meat as at least part of the diet.

    Just my $.02

  23. I certainly believe that VEGANISM and VEGETARIANISM is ethically and morally right. Lessening the death of millions of animals for food consumption is the goal for these lifestyle. Also, meat isnt the only food in the world. Like hello? lol

  24. I beleive everyone is entitled to their opinion,

    I don't beleive, however, that pure veganism is the way to go.  I beleive in purchaasing from local, organic, free-range farms, eating wild meat, fish, and poultry, and not supporting the mass'jail-cell' conditions of animals

  25. But it also says God clothed Adam & Eve in animal skins later on ...

    (and people also used to sacrifice lamb before Jesus came)

    I (respectfully) do not share your beliefs because of what I have seen from vegans seems hypocritical to me. If vegans are really strictly sticking to the plants only diet, then how come they eat "imitation meat" - imitation crab, imitation pork, imitation chicken, imitation beef...

    it just seems like they're still craving meat! Many animals eat other animals. Animals have the ability to reproduce, like plants/vegetation does so they will be replenished naturally - unless humans abuse their 'power' and kill for something other than food (overkill / endangerment) < THAT I am against. I just don't understand the whole vegan but I eat imitation meat thing.

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