
Do you think Vietnam is a 3rd/4th/5th world, if being aside from 2nd?

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I think it's 4th... What about you? Please give me some "evidence" or describe why.




  1. I would give Charlie a rating of 3rd.  **** in the wire!

  2. Your ranking system is a bit misleading.  Being communist doesn't have any bearing on the level of development on a country.  

    That being said I would think based on your provided scale that you are accurate.  If you look at where Vietnam lies in the Human Development Index - which is a measure of how developed a country is based on things like Education, GDP, health, etc - it is #109 out of 178 ranked countries.  This puts Vietnam in the bottom half but not the bottom third.

    Vietnam is developing rapidly however and is quickly becoming an economic power within Southeast Asia.  Hanoi, the capital, was recently the host of the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Conference) and it even attracted a visit from US President George Bush in late 2006.

  3. It is one of the strongest Growth country within its region, on par with China and India....

  4. I'm offended. I'm Vietnamese and I think that our country doesn't fit in any of the following that is listed because we are developing and moving so fast on the economic as well as the social development that soon we will be just as good as the United States or even better. In case you didn't know George W. Bush visited Vietnam not too long ago, and as the news stated it, he finds it very pleasing and to his liking. If the president of the United States thinks that Vietnam is a what YOU would call a "developed country" than why do you think that it is an "underdeveloped country?"

  5. Using your rating system, I'd say Vietnam is in the middle of the 3rd world, rising rapidly to the top in that category and will be there  in just a few years.

    It's goal is to be a fully developed country  (part of the 1st world)    by 2020, less than a decade and a half away. Based on Vietnam's sustained and high rate of growth is the recent past and the present, the stated  goal will most likely to be reached by that time.

    It's important to note that, in spite of its many areas to improve, Vietnam has been having the second highest rate of economic growth in the world, second only to China.

  6. i say we are 4th world country.  our econominy is building better, many more investments made in Viet Nam country.  more education for civilians.  we are not communist country.  we are socialist republic of Viet Nam.  communist country for us not present now.  if we still communist USA would not take away embargo ban

  7. umm... last i checked there is no 'classification system of countries'

    every country is unique. they may be 'behind' in certain ways but chances are the average viet would survive a h**l of a lot better without a pocket full of money to influence others to do work for us, than you or i.

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