
Do you think WALES will win the GRAND SLAM?

by  |  earlier

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So WALES have done excellent so far, triple crown -Will we get the grand slam today? (Im wearing my Welsh Jersey with pride as always - Come on Boys I know you can do it!)




  1. its going to be a tough one i hope they do thay are the best side in the 6 nations this year

  2. thomas u gimp france cant win the grand slam they lost 2 england remember lol cumon wales :)

  3. unless they get kidnapped before the game then 8 points.

  4. I think they just might.

  5. I really do hope so

  6. Hope not, France to win.

  7. Easy

  8. Hope so - we're rooting for them in this house :D

  9. Absolutely wihtout a doubt.  I live half a mile from the stadium I only need to open my window to hear the result!!

  10. to Thomas and Angel so you said Wales would lose tough **** we won so there you pair of *******

  11. Irish fan here. I am giving Wales no hope today. France will win comfortable and become grand slam champs

  12. THEY JUST DID!!!!!!!!1

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