
Do you think WEC would consider asking Torres or Faber to meet at 140 to fight each other?

by Guest59965  |  earlier

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Considering they are the two best fighters in WEC and fight at only 10 pounds apart, how awesome would even a non-title fight between the two be if they met at 140 lbs or Torres moved up in weight?




  1. No, they'll just fight at 135. Faber already doesn't have to cut much to get to 145 so 135 is definately something he could do. Torres has faced larger men his entire career, but now that he's finally getting the respect he deserves I don't think he'd want to go up to 145. Faber will cut down to 135, they'll fight and it will be epic!

  2. faber would never be able to drop down. that cat is huge!!!!

  3. Id love to see it, but it would be hard to have the one return as the champion after loosing his last fight.  Pride used to do it all the time and i loved having great matchups regardless of weight, but i honeslty dont see it happening

  4. no. They don't want either to lose a fight. Those are the best guy's in the org. I know it would be nice to see but it wouldn't make sense for the WEC to do that. Plus I don't see Faber losing much weight.

  5. The WEC would never do that.  They have specific weight classes in place, and they're not going to change them to just try to put a fight together.

    Now, Faber could EASILY move down a weight class though.  When he wrestled in college, he was at 133lbs, and in interviews he mentioned how he doesn't have to cut weight.  If I remember correctly, he was 144.5 when he fought Pulver.  Fighting at 145 Faber's issue is more with putting on and keeping on weight.  I could easily see him moving down to 135 if he wanted to.  Whether or not that will happen, I have no idea.

  6. no they dont want either to lose a fight. and besides faber and torres should both go ni the ufc. even if the ufc doesnt have a 145 weight class

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