
Do you think WWE is cleaning out the roster to make room for new/returning superstars?

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Anyone think that this might be the reason for all the releases. If you do who do you think might be returning?? And do you think that it was worth it?





  1. maybe but i hope they dont get rid of matt hardy because he's been with the wwe for awhile and they should never let him go


  2. you know why they release because most of the superstars fail the drug test so they get release some superstars wants more money, some is getting old, some is getting injure too much, and some broke the WWE rules. Like fighting with outside people. it's not they release because a superstar is coming back.

  3. No I Dont think that because Most Wrestlers WWE Release from The Company have been In WWE For years & have only made 2 apperances on WWE TV shows. sent back to OWV or some Indy show.

    As for Referes wwe wants the younger Referes in WWE now

  4. I think so b/c Colt Cabana I think may have made his debut to SD already  and Jay Bradley will make his debut to SD as well soon, We also all know that Ron Killing will redebut soon as R-Truth, and who knows they might bring in some other guys I know Gregory Helms is still on the shelf and will soon return to the ring, dunno about Sycho Sid and I heard Tomko (who was recently let go by TNA) was backstage at a taping of SD/ECW ,so he is still scouting...

  5. yea i think so , and Colt Cabana name in the WWE is Scotty Goldman he's comin to smackdown today

  6. u know i think its good for the future..i say fire as much c**p as possibel..coz this leaves open space for a possiblity of a merger of raw and smackdown later on..say after wm25..and plus i believe wwe has become too over crowded..with the lame stars will give big stars on raw and big stars on smackdown alot more air time..and alot to do..more quality..wwe is doing the right thing..this will help tna grab a few of the rejects as usual and build up their own roster...i think they ned someone better than russo..its time now for them to attack bigger storywriters..may be bring ric flair as writer or something..

  7. No. You all wish they'd drop the losers for Rock Austin Hart Hogan. but No. they let them go for ONE simple reason.

    Sure $60,000/year salary to a billion dollar industry isn't much. But when you release 14 superstars so far in 2008, thats $840000 saved this year.

    Let go another 6 who don't generate money, thats a savings of $1,200,000 a year.

    20 less worthless superstars to worry about while using the money saved to pay Chris Jericho's salary, is a win/win situation.  

  8. Possibly. In an ideal situation they would be scrapping all the old guys that just dont have it in them anymore (With the exception of HBK, Taker, etc)  and giving the young guys more of a push.

    For example, Paul London, Shelton Benjamin, John Morrion, and Rey Mysterio are the best WRESTLERS that the WWE has. Only problem is that they arent the best ACTORS. But London is a weekly jobber, Benjamin is finally getting a title push (Thumbs up writers), Morrison is making a fool of himself, and we are yet to see what they will do with Mysterio.

    But you have to give it to them, they are doing better than they were 3 months ago. They even have a good storyline going with Kane. Although we all know the mask is in there, its still interesting to see what he will do and if he will go back to being the monster heel that we all know and love from the old days.

  9. I think that they are going to go with a lot of younger talent and maybe bring back some veterans to the roster. I have read that they will sign Psycho Sid to a contract and have him on TV soon. If so that would be great because he is far better than any of the wrestlers they have recently let go. Maybe they will bring some ROH stars into the company or bring up people from FCW. I have heard that Colt Cabana and Jake Hager might be coming to the show soon.  

  10. I think they might replace them with the up comming stars that are still in OVW or in the indies but one thing for sure they should bring back guys like RVD, and Rhyno depending on his contract with TNA to make ECW better.  

  11. I WISH that was the case,but sadly IT'S NOT! It's,because the WWE are now complete idiots who only want people who bring in ratings & appeal to little kids.

  12. they just let go braden walker

  13. I never thought of that and it could very well be the reason why so many have left. Either that or they just were not happy in the WWE and wanted to leave. If anyone is returning, I hope that it is either Rob Van Dam or Bobby Lashley because they were really good wrestlers and they could really help to improve the WWE's ratings.

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