
Do you think Wayne Gretzky retired too early?

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Do you think Wayne Gretzky retired too early?




  1. For sure, he still had a few seasons left in him.

  2. Whats there to do when you've do everything you could win and do

  3. I dont think he retired early enough. Watching him droop through his last few years was embarassing.

    Teams like the Kings, Blues and Rangers dismantled great lines just to find a spot for him. Especially the Kings and Blues. When a line got hot their coach would put Gretzky on that line just to try to boost his numbers. It was truly pathetic.

  4. Probably not.  His production in the last few years wasn't what it had been.  The greatest player ever to lace on a pair of skates shouldn't play to the point where he's remembered as a has been that should have quit while he was ahead.

    In an interview after retirement, he did say that had the Rangers made an effort to aquire Pavel Bure, Gretzsky would have played longer just for the opportunity to play alongside him.  Gretzky retired in 1999 and the Rangers didn't ger Bure until 2002.

  5. What more could he have done?

    The record book is his own highlight reel. Hockey misses him more then he misses it...

  6. Yes. I watched his final game with the Rangers. He was still superb, putting the puck right on the tape out in front of the net, but didn't have the finishers like he did in Edmonton. He would have had three primary assists if he wasn't surrounded by journeymen.

  7. Yes!

  8. no Gretzky would have gotten owned his numbers would have shrunk each year now as this to yourself if Malkin Crosby Ovechkin were starting their NHL days when Getzky did would they be better their playing in a new NHL with more speed and come on these goalies are crazy good now except for raycroft i no he won rookie of the year but he is BAD

  9. Not at all.

    Wayne felt he couldn't play like he did when he was younger, he felt slower, less agile, etc.

    and he felt it was right, so he retired.

    So no, he did not retire too early at all.

  10. He could have still put up numbers, but he would have been slow and be able to play too many minutes, so i think he hung his skates at the right time

  11. No..he got out when it was best for him...not what was best for you..or anyone else.

  12. For Him-no, For his fans-Yes . he would of been able th play in the New NHL for years. It's changes would of been a perfect fit for a player of his talent.

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