
Do you think Whites will be a minority?

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Do you think Whites will be the minority by 2042 ... sooner ....or later?




  1. My family went for genetic diversity.  Half my grandchildren are hybrids.Oriental, Native American,  Mexican.  The rest are all White..  We are all mutts.

  2. It really doesn't matter but I think we already are.

  3. If they don't limit the number of kids for people on welfare- Sooner.

    Edit- Yes, you're right, that's who I am talking

    about, Illegals.

  4. Even if we are, I hope we won't act the way other minorities do now.

  5. I think Nobody is talking about all the illegals that are

    coming over here.  They really should limit the

    number of kids on welfare.

    I think sooner as well.

  6. I think so because with all of the interracial dating and higher birth rates among other racial group, it might end up happening. Now this country will be more diverse than it was before. :-)

  7. they already are where i am

  8. We are the minority where we live now.

    Have  lived here for 20 yrs!

    The past couple years if you are not bi lingual you can't get a job.

    Houses are for sale all over town....people are leaving/getting out from their jobs being taken away and the economy being dragged down...

    The crime is unbelievable of what is vandalized and stolen every day ! Our vehicles have been vandalized 7 times plus a hit and run in front of our home!

    How does some one who enters this country illegally from another country(?) have the good credit and such to purchase these houses, fancy vehicles, and take our jobs?

    We are now forced to seek assistance and food stamps but we are unable to receive these benefits that our tax dollars paid into all these years.

    Where are we to go? What are we to do?

    With 2 college degrees and 25 years of work experience I can not get anything now, not even minimum wage, something....

  9. I dont know and it shouldn't matter.I treat all race the same.

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