
Do you think Y!AM is going downhill?

by  |  earlier

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There is a number of reasons and I believe that you guys know it. What do you think?




  1. It's expected.

    A year ago, we had racial issues. Not long ago we also had racial and political issues plus clone wars. And the short-lived gender war (starring *bleep*). Now it's religious issue.

    Never a boring time in Y!AM.

  2. I have been here a while ago. At one stage I completely lost interest in YAM. Left for a while - like two weeks or so and then I was back. Because mmm let's see I really didn't have a life. Then "clone wars" ensued and I saw one of my favourite person here gone from the scene. Felt like everybody was against him. Which is why I had said YAM is ruled by mobs because, guess what few months down the track, history repeats itself. Those who feel like they should speak up just sat and enjoy the battle. Those who really should sit aside and reflect on themselves speak loud. It disgusts me.

    I probably don't have a wonderful sparky life but I put emotions to things I do, which include YAMming and unlike EVERYBODY ELSE who says "I don't really care about what's going on in YAM because I have a life, and the sorts" well I am going to tell you I do care (I just don't give a hoot to comments from stupid people in here) and yes lately I have felt this place less pleasant especially again with unwarranted (and collective, mind you) attacks on individuals.

    Downhill or not I dare not say. If this is what the people enjoy, who am I to say it is going downhill?  

  3. ya sideways bagus

  4. some people here smoke dunhill

  5. Well, if you look when I joined Yahoo Answers you will see that it was 2 years ago today..

    Over them 2 years I have seen all sorts of people come and go and I would say that YAM is quite normal at the moment, of course there are people who like to spoil the fun with their religious rants, reportings, thumbs down etc, but that has always happened and will always happen.

  6. Truly doubt YAM is going downhill :)

    I believe there are quite a handful of friendly, regular and yet respectable YAM contributors here...  Thumbs up for them :)

    I am a newbie in YAM...  Not really sure if I could answer your question...


    I was once a regular during those times when there was still "Yahoo Messageboard" a few years ago...  The situation is really bad... and Yes!  It is going downhill with so much of flaming and defamation going around...  Myself not excluded from being victimised... and I had to "leave" the messageboard, thinking that it was for "good" since there was alot of bad stuffs going around...

    A few years back... and surprise!....  I came back & found YAM....

    It's good they scrap "Yahoo Messageboard" and replace it with "YAM"...  Much more user friendly :)

    And also it's a privilege to be around with so many regular & friendly YAM contributors here :)


  7. no.. going north

  8. nope  

  9. It's either I'm being ignorant or you're wrong..

    well i haven't been on YAM for quite sometime so I'm not too sure,but overall,the questions posted are still entertaining as usual and answers are funny too..seems pretty normal to me..

    Sorry if my answer disappoint you.

  10. My personal opinion, yes... compared to the time I first came to YAM in June. Recently there were nasty people coming in spoiling the fun. However, you can't really take my word for it coz I am a newbie compared to many. It's probably just a phase as Bean says. I come in here less often than I first did but I'm glad to find my favourites and the regulars still around whenever I come back... That's why I come back actually ;)

  11. it is going sideways

  12. What did you do?  

  13. People came and go. I think that is normal. Some are busy lately.

    I think it is better then the clone war.

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