
Do you think Young Berg Should be Forgiven?

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July 10, 2008. You knew that some rappers were ignorant ... but this is just too much. just caught wind that during a recent interview on the radip show Lip Sevice, rapper Young Berg claimed that he's not into dark skinned black women - or dark butts as he calls them.

Here's a transcript of his words:

I'm kinda racist ... I don't like dark butts .... You know how some women prefer light skin men or dark skin men. It's rare that I do dark butts - that's what I call dark skinned women ... I [don't date women] darker than me.

I love the pool test. If you can jump in the pool exactly like you are and you don't come out looking better than you looked before going in the pool - then that's not a good look.

Any woman that uses brown gel to set down her baby hair is not poppin'




  1. He sounds pretty silly to me.

    We can only hope it's a young man's stupid mistake, and that he'll grow out of it.

    I'm a white male, and I've dated dark women, light women, pink women, Asian women, and pretty much any kind of woman who'd have me.

    Are you female?  Are you smart?  Are you s**y?  Do you keep your word?  Do you shower regularly?  Are you flexible-minded?

    THOSE are the kind of questions a REAL man wants answered before he dates a woman - not "how dark-toned are you?"

    "Pool test"?  What foolishness is THAT?

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