
Do you think a 13 year old girl should....?

by  |  earlier

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look more like a

teen (ex: )

or a

kid (ex: )

NOTE: I'm asking this because those pictures are of two 13 year olds I know and I think one looks about 10 years older than the other.




  1. i don't think it should be either, because both are kind of an 'extreme' you know? a healthy middle is better, because you are a teen, but an early teen.  

  2. like a teen

  3. Well a thirteen year old is indeed a TEEN. So in my opinion, they should look like a teen, just not a whorebag one. The second picture looks more like a 10 year old. I bet if she too was wearing make up like the girl in the first picture, she would look older.

  4. the first girl looks like she is 16 or so and the other look like she is about 12 or 11

    a 13tr ild girl should be a mix between them two  

  5. well i'll be seventeen tomorrow and i think the first pic looks more like a fifteen yearold and the second looks more like a eleven or twelve year old maybe a mix between the two may fit the image

  6. There is no "should". There is no specific requirement for a 13 yr old. Cuz then they'd all look the same.

    The first girl needs some pants, that's all I'm saying.

  7. so glad you shared

  8. They should look like a 13 year old, in my opinion. Some people naturally look older or younger than they really are.

  9. Wow! Seriously, they're both thirteen? One looks like she's seven and the other looks like she's sixteen. Interesting.

    In my opinion, I think the thirteen year old should look whatever way she was designed to look. If she has a younger looking face and structure then she should just compliment that and have a youthful look. If her face and structure is more of a woman then she should compliment her looks and wear things that would fit her look. We were all designed to look different and trust me not all thirteen year old girls look young or look old. Just let them look however they were designed whether younger or older, doesn't really matter.  

  10. I think they should look however God made them--age is just a number-a lot of people say i'm mature for my age, sometimes by looks, sometimes by how i talk and what i say. they should look however they want to look

  11. i W0UlD SAY THE FiRST PiC =]

    L00Ks M0rE LiKE A TEEN

  12. The second one looks so young because she's kayaking or something... Obviously she's not wearing makeup and has her hair tied back! -.-

    I think teen should looks something inbetween of those two. :D

  13. Geez! How the c**p can they look so different!? The first one looks way to old for 13.

  14. more like a teen, but not over the top like that

  15. I think in between. The 1st one looks 16 years old and the 2nd one looks like she's 5.

  16. When I was 12, I looked more like a kid than a teen, and then when I turned 13 I looked like a teen. It really depends when you start growing.

  17. it depends on YOU and how YOU look and how YOU carry yourself. there is NO set look for every 13 year old girl. if there was that would take the individuality out of everyone. i've seen 20 year olds who look 13 and i've seen 13 year olds who look 20.  

  18. There's a look in between that a 13-year old should look like. The first looks a little too old for her age, she looks more like 16-17. And needs to put on some pants.

  19. That's weird...but I think a 13 year old should look like a 13 year old...

  20. The first one just has a more mature face then the second. I've always had a very young, youthful face like the second picture. It doesnt help that I'm petite too, so even though I'm fourteen I always get mistaken for like twelve. But the first girl needs some pants haha she shouldnt have that on the internet. The second girl looks so sweet and nice and wholesome.

    Love Haleigh<3

  21. a teen

  22. I'd say - more like the first one - the 'teen' but not tooo much - you dont want to give the wrong impression to guys.. (or do u ;) ) .. no in all seriousness.

    13 is an important sort of age - growing up and all that jazz.

    so i duno - somewhere in the middle - but deffinatly not at the either extreme end of the scale.

    if u get me :) ??

    and for the record - if u care - other ppls opinions may differ -  i'm an 18 year old lad

  23. ya i deff agree with you i think they should look more teen but not that much

  24. Some people look older than they really are.

    I'm only 12 and I look 16.

    There's a girl in my grade, and my mom thought she was 2 years younger.

    But the first pic, that girl looks much older than 13, and the other pic looks like a girl who is maybe 10-11 years old.


  25. they both could pass for 13 year olds but most are someone in the middle.  

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