
Do you think a 14 y.o. boy should have been allowed to sleep overnight in a raft while floating in a pool?

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My son's mom let him sleep in a raft overnight outside in the pool and thinks I'm overreacting because she says he was safe because she kept checking on him. He woke up around 3am and nobody was around so he went back to sleep.




  1. Nobody should do that, let alone a 14 y. o.. That is unsafe for anyone. He could have fell off and drown in his sleep.

  2. I would be out raged.  Most people think if a person falls asleep in a raft in water they will wake up upon hitting the water.  Some do and some don't.  Most people are startled and get confused, as they panic they actually swim toward the bottom instead of toward the surface.  Most people drowned form this.

    I Would be outraged!!!

  3. y the h**l u want to do that

  4. You are kidding?  That boy could have drowned.  What was his mother thinking? She is very very lucky to still have a child.

  5. I doubt she stayed up all night watching him.  What would she have done if the raft had a leak and the boy drowned?  Not very smart of her.  I would be VERY upset!

  6. i personally think that is not safe WHAT SO EVER. for any age really

  7. Absolutely NOT.  The boy was in serious danger of drowning, you were absolutely right to be concerned.  It only takes 4 minutes to drown.   Research your case and approach her like a rational adult.  Whatever you do, don't let this drive a wedge between your son and his mom - he needs both his parents, so do this privately, out of his earshot.  Goog luck.  

  8. no that aint safe and thats neglect,,,bet if U did it the world would have reversed its turn,,,sounds careful but careless ya mean,,,

  9. Well yes. Could you imagine if he got a cramp, fell in and tried screaming as loud as he could but nobody could hear him because they are sleeping. You aren't over reacting. You care about your kid so much that you get apprehensive when ever you see your kid doing dangerous things and if thats over reacting, then thats good parenting. I'm a 14 year old boy too and I think thats rediculous!

  10. SO NOT SAFE!

  11. No its not safe at all.

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