
Do you think a 15 year old boy be allowed to get his lip pierced?

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Im 15 and my mom wont let me get my lip pierced because she think im making a mistake. And she thinks that when i get older I'm going to regret ever doing it. My dad doesn't care either way. But my mom and dad did let me get my ear pierced? Still havn't figured it out yet. Maby you can. She also thinks that only the bad, drug using, sinful, and rebelious kids get them. What do you think? I am currently working and am holding down a job. So I think if im old enough to get a job and an ear piercing that I can get a lip piercing. Don't you? She also thinks that the only reason i want to do this is because I just want to rebel against their power. They also think that my body is a temple of the lord. -_- and if God had wanted my to have a lip piercing I would have been born with one. Please respond honestly and truthfuly. If you do have kids PLEASE DON'T PUT THEM THROUGH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUST ME!!!!!!! I think that my mom is being imature about this. So please help me get this done!!!!!!!




  1. there are some other factors to considered other than just your parents don't want you to do it,  you have to think about school do they allow it? they will make you take it out and then you would have wasted your money....  and most places will not pierce anyone under 18 with out parental consent and the some don't even do that and i wouldn't do it yourself there are some major health risks in that ...I think you should respect your parents for now and wait until you are 18 and then if you still want it get it done then get it done...

  2. I don't think there is anything wrong with a lip peircing or that only the bad, drug using, sinful, rebellious kids get them lol. I wouldn't let my kid get one under the age of 18 though and before you think I'm some old, super-conservative religious nut (I'm not even close to that)- hear me out. Ears aren't a big deal- who DOESN'T have their ears peirced? But facial peircings are different. Believe me, someday you will want to take it out or HAVE to take it out for a job- and there will be a big ugly scar where it was peirced. It may be cool now when you're so young but on a job interview when you're 30 it won't be. And the resulting scar won't be either. I'm 25 and a lot of my friends who have had to take their facial peircings out for jobs really wish they wouldn't have had them done in the first place. So I wouldn't let you for the simple fact that you will most likely regret it someday. (I know, I know- you probably don't think you will but I didn't think I'd regret the tattoo I got when I was 14 either... but that's another story.) I would let you get a tongue peircing or even your hips (think Matthew Lush) before I let you do anything to your face. At least those can be taken out without any noticeable or obvious damage. Ugly scars on your face will last FOREVER and it's the first thing people will notice when they meet you. I wouldn't do it.

  3. Well, my husband and I are Christians, and he had a snake bite (double lip piercing on either side), we weren't rebellious, he just liked it. We agreed to let our kids have them if they wanted them after 13. I think usually you grow out of the piercing phase - as my husband and I did, and you would have to check with your job anyways because sometimes they don't allow facial piercings.

    If you wanted to rebel against their power you would have done it already whether they cared or not, so in my opinion by asking it shows some maturity.

  4. Well coming from a 14 year old now... I suggest don't bother...

    When I was 13 (& 12) I wanted one for the longest time... I tried so many times to do it myself and my parents just kept making me take them out. I also wanted & had my ears gauged, only to a size 0. I really dont mind my ears anymore.. I no longer have them and my ear has healed to a regular sized piercing. You might not necasarily regret having them, but you might now want them anymore. Oh and btw, grades and holding a job don't mean anything right now. It's really about the future, being a kid and looking cool will only last for a few more years.

  5. I am pregnant with my first child. (a boy) and if thats  what he wanted i would let him get it. My hubby and i have already talked about our kid having a tattoo. We both have one so it will be hard to tell him no. With the whole u might regret it later thing holes grow up. You can just take it out if you don't like it> And yes i come from a religious family too and my family told me the same thing about your body being a temple. OK I believe in God and i go to church but my view on that is I don't do drugs i don't drink and adding a tattoo or a piercing is like putting on a hat. Is your moms ears pierced. I guess you could tell her if God intended for you to wear Gold hoops then he would have put holes in your ear lobes.

    Im sorry you have to go thru this. Just think 3 years and you are free.

  6. I think that if you were to wait until at least 16 they can't do anything, you have a job which shows responsibility and as long as you pay for it there should be no reason why you can't get it. Usually piercing places need a parents signature or you can wait until 16 or 18 depending on the piercing, with the lip I'm pretty sure it's 16, she may also be worried about future job aspects for you, I mean what are you going to do when your 24 and have a huge earring in there and look weird as and no one will employ you? I doubt this will happen but you need to look at the facts

  7. You probibly do not want to hear from me but I am answering anyway.

    You ear pierced no is generic and can be hidden by removing the earring

    Your lip peirced...problems

    1. they get infected easily

    2 they are impossible to hide

    3 If pulled on hard enough they will rip your lip in half

    I do disagree with your parents use of "your body is God's temple" and such. They need to educate you with facts. As long as you are in school there are some there that might pull on it and cause you harm. As an adult you could control these situations better.

    Also if you participate in sports you will be forever cleaning it. Sweat will cause infections.

    On a side note, my oldest son is 15. He wants his done too but for the reasons listed above it is not happening.

  8. First things first, if you have a job already they will either make you cover it up or take it out, so the point may be moot already.  Second of all, a lip piercing can ruin your teeth if it isn't done properly.

    I've had my lip pierced and I have also been a piercer (licensed) so I do know what I am talking about.  A lip piercing is at greater risk for infection since it is harder to clean.  Food can also get stuck in the piercing and infect it.  

    They are also easy to catch on things (clothing, blankets, etc) and can rip out.  Let me tell you this- it is not fun to have to contend with tons of blood first thing in the morning.  I have had my lip pierced twice, the first time it ripped on my blanket and bled for a long time, all over the place, the second time it got infected because some food got in the hole and started gushing green and purple c**p.

    Do not get your lip pierced.  I've never seen anyone that had theirs done that lasted long.  And it leaves a nice big scar on your face when you have to take it out.

  9. "if God had wanted my to have a lip piercing I would have been born with one"

    if god had have wanted you to have a ear piercing you would have been born withone. they are contradicting themselves, tell them that. Also tell them that you will pay for lip piercing yourself, and that you wont regret it when you are older because you can take it out and let it heal over when you want to, its not liek your getting something permanant.

    Tell them to stop stereotyping people, if they are religious enough to say god doesnt want you to have a lip piercing thwey are religious enough to not be shallow and stereotytpe people who they have never met.

    Then if all else fails tell them that if they wont support you your just going to have to go and get it done in some rotton parlour and they'll be sorry they didnt take you to a nice place and sign for you to have it done when your lip falls off because the place you went to get it done at was so disgusting and cheap. If this doesnt work...nothing will.

    I am never going to put my kids through this, when they want piercings, they can have them, because i know how it feels, my parents did same to me which basically made me rebel when i was 16 and i got 11 ear piercings in 1 day 3 naval piercings a tongue piercing and snakebites (lip piercings).

    I took them all out though except for the regular belly piercing, 1 cartlidge, my firsts (got them done when i was 7) seconds and thirds.

  10. My son had his ears pierced and a tattoo, But people look at you differently when it comes to lips, tongs, nose  and eye brows! Sorry that is just t the way it is. And no I would not let him get his lip, nose ,tong or eye brows pierced. Not that he wanted to. He is now a Fireman  how would that look?

  11. if you lived in my house and if you had striaght a you can look any way you want

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