
Do you think a Democratic Congress will lift the ban on offshore drilling?

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I think there's too many environmental activists and lobbyists, who are more concerned about saving the seals than they are about the American people, so I don't think they will. Plus the Washington D.C. Republicans are against it because the oil industry is where they've made their millions. We're pretty much screwed dontcha think?




  1. YEAH we are screwed.........No way are they going to lift the ban

    The Congress will refuse to drill offshore saying we can rely on calling oil companies before them numerous times while nothing gets done.  Then they can hold hearings and form committees to outline what should be accomplished once a democrat is elected president -

    All the time telling us nothing can be done because of Bush - then at the same time asking when  the oil companies or  scientists for a timetable for all those alternative energy sources to be up and producing because it has to be someone's fault (just not a democrat's)

  2. Are you kidding?  Those morons couldn't agree on a pizza.

  3. Not while Peloser and gReid are in charge of congress. They are still parrotting the DNC line that 'drilling for more oil' won't help the situation. Of course, they can afford to pay $5 a gallon for gas too...

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