
Do you think a US government sponsored bike riding program could influence the price of oil?

by Guest62603  |  earlier

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With oil prices at record high, I haven't heard any iniciative, at a government level, about energy conservation. I guess the US government does not consider the actual prices to be at a critical point. For most citizens, I think , it is definately at a critical point, and it is affectting their budgets and daily life. I've read in the news that in some countries in Europe is taking place some bike sharing program, but there is not a lot of information about it and if it is really working over there. Because the US is such a big consumer of oil, I personally believe a program like this could send a message to big oil companies and they may lower their prices. What do you think about this and what is your feeling about riding a bike to work in the US. Is that really possible considering the car culture that US citizens are used to.




  1. Why do we need the government to tell us what to do? Ride a bike yourself if you want, or look into alternative fuels. Catch a bus, ride with someone else. We need less government controlling us. Another "program" will just increase taxes.

  2. I seriously doubt a us government sponsored bike riding programs would influence the price of oil.

    Alternative fuel didn't affect it . But if we all agree to do something about it, and we ALL implement what we all have agreed upon, then they would seriously consider reducing the ridiculous price.

    like everyone else, im fed up too, so I decided  to convert my car to run on Hydrogen which I generate in a differfent way.

    If all cars on the US would be converted to run on Hydrogen, we wouldn't need that much oil , hence the price would likely  fall back to the way it was before because of the "Law of supply and demand",

  3. I bought a new bike two weeks ago. I live in the "bicycle capital of America": Minneapolis/Saint Paul Minnesota. People here are pretty hardcore about it.

    I don't think a national program would work. Maybe grant money to states to build trails and lanes.

    In my metro area we have great trails. Its sad that we are the bike capital of America, yet I don't think enough people utilize these trails and street lanes.  Which means, the trails and bikeridership in other cities must be dismal.

    But, bicycling is a great exercise and alternative.  I live in the city and work both jobs in the city.  The only reason I own a car is because I have a 7 year old and she lives with her mother.  Between dance, missed school bus and emergencies, I need a car since we do not live together.  

    But, with my bike used now for everything but picking up my daughter, large grocery shopping and dates, I use a whole tank maybe every 9 days.  

    Bicycling is a great alternative.  Free transport, great exercise.  Cut into America's addiction for oil, great exercise for a fat population, and save money.

    Minnesota is probably the coldest of the 48 continental states.  If we can have great bicycling in our largest metro area, any state can.

  4. Oil is good. It is the lifeblood of the modern era. Let's drill in ANWR and off our coasts and build more nuclear reactors and mine for more coal. These fuels are very good and need to be celebrated. We do not need to go back to the era of the horse and buggy or the Chinese rickshaw.

  5. I think it's a fantastic idea!  I already ride my bike to work, but would LOVE some sort of perks for it!  Well, I already get a free bus pass from work, so that's cool, as I ride 35 miles round trip and like to be lazy some days and just bus it in.  May is really the official start of biking and the Biking Month!  In the Seattle area, May 16th is Bike-to-Work Day and there's going to be booths set up with little stuff, information, bike check stations, and such!

    Oh yeah, additionally...  In terms of the whole "car culture", I think it has grown to be much more than that.  We have become a culture that expects everything right now.  We want everything on our schedule and don't want to wait for it.  The microwave has started to seem slow.  Where internet was amazing on a 2400 baud modem before, now wireless seems a little slow compared to cable modems.  It goes over to busing and biking.  Everybody really wants things on their schedules.  It's hard for people to give that up and have to work on a longer timeline.  People are making the switch, but it's a difficult one once you've grown so accustomed to the way things are delivered to us immediately.

  6. Funny question.  Once again America does not mandate oil prices!!!  Did you even listen to the President yest??  It is a World Market!!!!  Only way to mandate costs is to drill on your own land get your own oil then you set the price!!  Otherwise your at the mercy of the other countries!!!

    What you dont understand simple Econ??  supply and demand??  Our demand is down!!  One would assume cost would also go down.  Wrong we are not driving prices up

    Looking to get gas prices down drill on our own soil that way we mandate the costs.  Otherwise we are at the mercy of other counties plain and simple!!  What did you want to do tax big oil?? Your a fool who do you think they will pass that onto?? Bend over buddy because your going to take it in the can yet again!!!  Congress has the answer if they would get off their butt and do something.  Remember its Congress that makes the law not the President!!  He has to work with whats handed to him

    Oh and riding your bike will only get you in better physical condition.  Dont get me wrong I love biking have a Trek Carbon myself and bike almost everyday weather permitting.  However big oil wont even notice sorry nor will they care all they will say is Next!!!  China need some more oil.

  7. Dejavue73,Dude are you a member of "Adventure Cycling ?" If not check it out you will love it ! I am disabled but if I was up and on my feet, my bicycle would be my main transportation.  Weather permitting of course. I live in Illinois and the winters can get brutal. Ride on bro !!! Oh and to awnser your question sure if that is what it takes to get riders going that would get media coverage.

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