
Do you think a WORLD WAR III will explote soon?

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I think so. Facts: The resurgence of the Russian imperialism, China wants to be the first potency in the world and the deep economic recession in the U.S.A & E.U. I think this War will explote about 50 years. Do you think so?

Thank you!!!




  1. WW III is in the works. It is a continuous thing with no end. It is Christian against "Allah" China will not have to declare war, just declare the trade debts due. We are into them big time. As long as the trade deficit keeps on giving billions to China, we owe them big time. They will collect, big time. The buying of influence will go over into  "why are we against our Chinese friends?" We have to stop our trade deficit which includes breaking even if we eliminate the drug money. How long do you think the world would vote in our direction if the Chinese took over the drug trade in Afghanistan? France would vote against us very quickly because their processing of poppy into cocaine and Heroin would be against their GNP. Mexico would go next. Columbia is already gone.    

  2. i think the yanks will have to hit iran for everybodys safety if they develop nueclear weapons they will not hesitate to use them against the west  they have already stated this, so what do we do sit back and wait for them to destroy us.

  3. If McCain is elected it is likely,.  He is gung ho for wars.

  4. well its not beyond our control, we need to call our politicians and tell them our opinions.

    Tony : there was a National Intelligence Estimate report a few months ago widely reported that Iran halted the nuclear program in 2003, here is a link to the government press relese

  5. um no i can see russia attacking many small nations but i just can't see a war on a massive scale with the big countries again for quite some time

  6. No.

    "deep economic recession in the U.S.A & E.U."  Not deep, just a recession.

  7. yes, and judging from this missile shield thing, probably soon

    ( the thing in poland vs. russia? look it up online)

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