
Do you think a babay mockingbird will live if you keep it until it can fly again?

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W are feeding it & it's eating pretty well. It can drink too. The only reason we're keeeping it is because it has a hurt leg because our cart tried to get it. Everything's fine but the leg. So please answer, easy 10 points for best answer. RTF ( return the favor)




  1. You need to get this bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival.  If you release it without training it how to forage as it parents would have it will die of starvation quickly.  An expert at a rehab will be able to teach it to forage so it can be released back into the wild.  Also, it is illegal for you to have this bird in your possession..they are protected by law.  Look for a local rehab here:

  2. Well, if i was you and really wanted to look after it properly i would seek advice from a vet first and find out exactly what is wrong with its leg and how to treat it!

    However that cart seems dangerous! lol

  3. you should have no problems with it as long as its eating and drinking ok lots of luck to you

  4. Well, if you properly care for it, I guess so. Of course, it needs, like, regurgitated food, but you could just mush up some... food. LOL!

  5. i would feed it not by hand but by like giving it food and water from a far place so that it doesn't have to rely on people for food.

  6. no. if your release it into the wild after hand-feeding it, it will not know how to get food in the wild and will get caught by a predator.

    the only thing you can do now is to keep it as a pet, but that is illegal in the USA.

    we fed our illegal pet starling a mix of dried bread, boiled eggs, soaked with some milk and with some powdered egg shell for calcium and liquid bird vitamins. into this mash we put anything we were eating, such as ground chicken or brocolli. starling loved eating chicken, lol. we also fed him any bugs that we found, such as flies and grasshoppers. he knew the word "fly" which we said for all insects and he would come running out with his mouth open when we came into the room with a fly and said "fly! fly!" at him.

    i also saw people say you can feed 'em wet cat food and dog food. i don't know about that but that's what people say.

    you'll have to keep this bird away from you cat. you can get a bird to return to it's cage if there is food inside the cage and that's the only place there is food. but birds get easily injured flying into clear glass and stuff like that so you really gotta use your head if you choose to keep this illegal pet you have now.

    the best thing to do is to give it to a wildlife rescue or rehabilitator if they take the bird, they can teach it to live in the wild.

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