
Do you think a blind person can be racist?

by Guest65904  |  earlier

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I was just wandering because my brother is blind and has not been raised to be racist at all. He spoke to me about the way "certain people" act and speak and he can't stand them. Growing up with him and seeing how he has formed this opinion on his own was very interesting.




  1. sure. depending on who raised them. and if they were blind from birth or something that happened later in life.

  2. .



    Ok. Simple answer. YES.

  3.   Depends on how they were raised.If they were born blind then no i would say no' as they have never seen racism' but if they were born around racist's then they would learn it as this is what i have noticed in some people.

  4. yes...they can have that mindset...but they couldnt see who they were racist against...

  5. Of course - racism is taught. You don't have to be a seeing person in order to learn hatred from others.  

  6. Yes. All they have to do is smell mayonnaise and they'll know it's a white person.

  7. yes...if they became blind...then yes.

    But if they were blind from birth, than that would be hard to say.

  8. if they werent born blind. but if they were born blind then they dont even know what they look like how could they be racist.

  9. Of course. There's more to race and ethnicity than simply color. A blind person being racist isn't any dumber than a sighted person being racist.

    Also, thank you for reminding me of that awesome Dave Chappelle skit.

  10. Well of course they can! Just because they can't see doesn't mean they aren't  subject to every emotion and attitude a seeing person is.

      It's just that they don't dislike people because of their color.  They dislike them for their smell, they way they speak, their attitudes, or some other thing.

  11. lol good question. i would say yes. but might be rare to find one

  12. Yes because just because hes blind doesnt man hes deaf. Because each "race" as their own voices. You can certianley tell the diffrence from a white person and a black person just from thier voice.

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