
Do you think a boxers are the toughest people on the planet or ufc stars????

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Do you think a boxers are the toughest people on the planet or ufc stars????




  1. neither seem that tough to me. they're athletes, not survivors.

    you want to see tough, head about 150 miles out of Merikesh and speak to the guys who live out there.

  2. id say ufc both take alot of punishement but a boxer will only get hit by a fist and not knees elbows and fists like the ufc

  3. UFC by far

    they train much harder than boxers

    most boxers do not last in the octagon simply because they are so one dimensional

  4. GO d**k CHENEY!!!

  5. There are many athletes are the toughest people on the planet. Boxers WITHOUT A DOUBT, are among the toughest people anywhere in the world.

    Mentally, physically, and in the heart. Day in and day out, there is no training that comes close to what a boxer does to prepare for a fight.

    Physically - BOXING is far more raw than MMA. Look at professionals at the elite level, you will almost NEVER EVER see flab or an ounce of fat anywhere on their bodies (except for heavyweights.) Boxing is one of those pure sports where there truly is no winner. Can you name any other sport where even a winner can get punched in the head over several hundred times? In MMA, you can give a different angle of attack and nullify your opponent's speed and technique for at least a while. In boxing, if your opponent is faster, stronger, bigger, there is really nothing you can do and you will be forced to feel it the enter fight.

    Medically, there is truth that boxers get hurt far more than MMA fighters. They get hit in the head more while MMA fighters might throw a few punches before bringing the fight to the ground.

    MENTALLY - Boxing is a far more mature sport than MMA. fighters train for months and months to get ready to be beaten up. They are forced to train like animals but they aren't allowed to eat like one. They fight through injuries because they can't afford to pull out of fights. I've also been in the military too and boxing training was WAYYYY harder. Harder because you have to kill yourself in training or someone else will kill you in the ring. MMA is far more fun to train for, there's so many different techniques to do when you get bored. In boxing, you have to throw the same basic 6 punches over and over and over and perfect it to the most minuscule details. You have to do the same boring exercises over and over and maintain your same level of enthusiasm.

    MMA - mma people, until you've tried both. Don't knock on boxing. Boxing is the never-ending repetition of the most monotonous exercises in hopes of reducing a jab punch by a hundred of a second. Or squeezing out another mile in your runs everyday so that you can last another 2 rounds. Until I see MMA fighters go 36 minutes without showing SEVERE sub-50% performance level of fatigue, I refuse to accept MMA as and equal sport in terms of endurance levels. Knockdowns. Unless you've actually fought's another SAD truth. In MMA, when you get knocked down the fight is over, it's that easy. You can walk around and say you could have won and this and that. In boxing, they give you 10 seconds to get your *** up and fight. Do you honestly think that all those boxers got up because they want to? Some of them get up because if they don't, they might not get another fight and not be able to feed their families. I've seen many boxers get up from a knockdown only because they had thousands of fans and people who came to watch them - and many of those boxers would have easily wanted to take the simple way out and pray that the ref would count them out. Nobody wants to quit like a *****.

    Boxers won't last in the Octagon just like MMA fighters wouldn't last in a boxing ring. I have however seen boxers step into the MMA, but nEVER vice versa. I wonder why that is...

    The final truth? Just train for both sports and see for yourself. You'll quickly find that getting punched in the face repeatedly gets old fast and that punching over and over again gets super boring.

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