
Do you think a cancer can go good with capricorn?

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Do you think a cancer can go good with capricorn?




  1. Cancer Man & Capricorn Woman

    Well, not even the Cancer enjoys martyrdom quite this much! ( Source: AquarianAge Romance )

    A yin-yang combination --- kind of like MacMillan-Bloedel meets mom and apple pie. (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

    This is a terrific match for a short-term fling, but it’s a terrible match for a real, long-term relationship. Things can start very well between a Capricorn girl and a Cancer boy, because you have a powerful attraction to each other. That connection can’t be enough for a relationship, though, and other things between you won’t be so nice. He will be secretive with you, keeping his opinions and his feelings to himself. Meanwhile, you will become frustrated and demanding when he pulls this routine of crawling into his shell. He’s "soft" about things that you want him to be strong in, and when you want him to be tender he’ll be withdrawn and tentative. You won’t get what you want out of this guy, and you might end up miserable if you try. Give this match a miss. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    If Capricorn girl and Cancer boy both take time to cultivate their own interests and ideas without swallowing each other whole, this can be a great relationship.  Problems can arise when you both feel like lone wolves who are seeking refuge in each other.  Life is something to be celebrated, and you both must be careful to accentuate the positive if this relationship is to work. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )


    Cancer Woman & Capricorn Man

    A yin-yang combination, rather like mom and apple pie meets the Bank of Canada. (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

    This match will probably not lead to any kind of long-lasting love. There could definitely be a strong physical attraction between you and a Capricorn boy. You need affection, though, and he’s the type of guy who keeps all his emotions inside. You’ll get frustrated with his "loner" attitude and cold, practical way of looking at everything. You approach the world emotionally, with your heart wide open. He prefers to sit back and coolly judge the world, and he dislikes sharing his feelings. He just will not understand you. This is not a good love match for you. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    As long as Cancer girl can retain her independence,  (and that means not keeping tabs on the object of your desire!) this can be a fantastic Astro-Match.  While you and Capricorn boy may be devoted to different interests and activities, it's your mutual respect for each other's effort that will ultimately make this a winning combo. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )

  2. I think you'd be better off forgetting all that astrology c**p

  3. no i dont. in my opinion that is the worst match out of all the zodiacs for the cancer and the cappi!

    they are star crossed, fatal attractions. it might feel so good at first but then you will realize you are complete opposites in every way. you are opposite ends of the same spectrum. cancer is water and cappi is earth. water is emotions and earth is body.

    when together at first they will feel like they have met a soul mate. then after a few months things hit rock bottom. you will feel that you don't even know them and that they are so different from you. the differences will annoy both of you and cause fighting and disagreements.

    there are 2 halves to the zodiac. water/earth and fire/air. on the water earth half, cancer and cappi are opposites. they have different ways of doing things and different reasons for being. they are both leaders and will pull in different directions every time.

    cancer is best with:

    taurus, virgo, pisces, scorpio.

    and guess what? cappi is also best with:

    taurus, virgo, pisces, scorpio.

    there are 6 signs on the water/earth half. each sign gets along with 4 out of the 6 for perfect harmoney.

  4. Water and earth are supposed to make a lovely harmony and both signs have traits that baleance each other out and make for an overall supportive relationship.  Remember, opposites do attract and for good reason, its no fun to be with someone just like you!  You need a yin to your yang.

    I'm a pieces (another water sign) with a cap for the last 5 years and it works because each of us picks up the slack where the other lacks and we have such stimulating conversation.  I provide him nuturing and support and he provides a stronger work ethic.  Caps do have deep emotions you just have to gain their trust first.

  5. Hello - As a capricorn female with a solid and unique connection with a cancer male, I think this match CAN work! I met this person and felt like I knew him forever and vice versa (although were both shy and cautious with expressing this!) There are lots of other factors that will also help you answer this question...Do you seem to think the same way? Do you have the same goals? Does this person look at you like no other? Only you have the answers to these questions. Best of luck! If it's meant to be - it will happen.

  6. yees

  7. its meant to be perfect since they're opposites

    but from knowing actual ppl I find cancers far too sensitive and caring for the typical cap.

    and cappys are really unemotional and hard, i dont really see them beeing together, but oddly they always attract eachother

  8. to me, your astrological sign doesn't mean anything. what matters is if you like each other's personality.

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