
Do you think a children 12 and under should ride 4 wheelers by themselves?

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I would not but it seems that some people don't have a problem with it as long as they have a helmet and safety glasses on. Kids don't understand that if they go on a incline that the 4 wheeler may tip, or if I jump this how will it land. Come on a lot of adults make the same mistakes.

What a tragedy it would be if a child was seriously injured or killed. How could a parent live with themselves knowing that they were the cause of this. Also there is a chance that they could be charge with child endangering.

Is it worth taking these chances?




  1. So apparently you are trolling on someone named Mozz.....What's wrong with asking about laws for riding 4 wheelers?   That doesn't make anyone a bad parent to ask.  

    And by the way, "aloud" is spelled "allowed".

    I let my 10 year old ride my 4 wheeler.  He's responsible and he wears a helmet and I make sure to be out there when he is riding.

  2. Are you STILL on Mozz's question from yesterday?  Look, she just wanted to make sure that she was complying with all the laws.  That doesn't make her irresponsible or a bad parent.  My two year old rides our 4 wheeler with his dad (with a helmet and only on flat surfaces mind you).  A 12 year old is at just as much risk of flipping a 4 wheeler as I am and I'm 24!  Anyone can be seriously injured or killed. It greatly depends on the maturity of the child too.  I know 12 year olds that are mature and responsible than grown adults

    You are unbelievable for still harping on this.;...

  3. Depends on the child. Obviously my 9 yr old wouldn't be allowed to run it by himself. He has ADHD, ODD and OCD. I couldnt trust that he would be safe and follow rules. But my 11 yr old is mature, follows instruction and is unlikely to do more than a sedate pace anyway. So I would allow her to run it. You can not make all decisions based on age alone. Maturity, training and choices they have made are far better criteria. There is a vast difference between an 11 yr old who still sucks her thumb and plays dolls and an 11 yr old who is babysitting, helping with meals and has gone through puberty. Parents should be allowed to decide what they feel is best. Should Mozz allow her 9 yr old to play with a 4 wheeler? Nobody but Mozz can answer that. Considering the intelligence Mozz shows I wouldnt second guess her decisions.  

  4. I think it really depends.

    In my case, I was raised in a very rural area where we constantly used ATV's on our land to take care of day to day tasks. I was taught safety standards of ATV's, Guns, etc at a very young age. There is always a risk; however, it became a way of life for my family.  

  5. well i wouldn't let them if it was a bumpy course. if they had a lot of protection, there were a lot of adults nearby and the course was even and looked safe, then i might let them ride by themselves

  6. no my husband is trying to tell me its safe but i just dont see it ill wait till my kids are older thank you very much

  7. I do not think they should.

  8. depends on the child.  If a child has been raised around them all their life, maybe rode with adults at a very young age and have been taught safety and how to use the thing, ok.  but to just show a 6 y/o an ATV and say "hop on"

    As a child, my family had a place at the lake and I learned to drive an ATV at around age 6.  My parents always watched me closely and had rules I had to follow.  There was never a problem.  However, when it comes to my 8 y/o?  no way!  He's pretty wild and daring and I don't think he'd be able to handle it.  he only drives if I'm on the back!

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