
Do you think a class could get a teacher fired?

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If a teacher doesnt plan the lesson and just tells you to copy out of a book.Also while the class does their work the teacher will just listen to music or watch things on bbc i player. Do you think the class could get the teacher fired?




  1. Definitely talk to an administrator. you might not get them fired but you could improve their work ethic. usually teachers get fired for worse things.

  2. Its really, really hard to get your teacher fired.  I think if you first sent an anonymous note or something to the teacher (put it in their mailbox) saying that you want them to actually teach you, blahblahblah lol, they might respond.  The teacher might not realize that people actually care, and may try harder.

    If that doesn't work, send another anonymous note (you can do all this in person, I'm just saying anonymous since I doubt you want your teacher to know...) telling your admin about the situation.  I doubt your teacher will get fired, but the teacher may be forced to actually teach.

    Hey, after that he might still not be the best teacher, but at least he will be doing something right? I know it sucks, but I've had to go through plenty of crappy teachers, and sometimes thats life.  At least afterwards he should be doing SOMETHING.

    good luck

  3. Well I don't know where you're at but here in TX. The students won't but surely the school board of Ed. That's a definitely no no.

  4. no because he has tenure...only teachers with tenure get away with that...

  5. It sounds to me like the principal isn't doing their job.

    In answer to your question, the TECHNICAL answer is no, but, by bring the problem to the administration, they are, for lack of better words, obligated to check it out.

    IF THE TEACHER IS Tenure, well, the answer changes to no. Whereas it pretty retarded to do that, its not really against any rules. The principal is the person u need to contact.

  6. Teachers are protected from being fired from one complaint or from one class complaint. Think about it for a second and wonder what would happen if you could complain about the toughest teachers and they would get fired? Soon we wouldn't have any good teachers left.

    You can and should complain to your principal. You should document your complaints in detail, including times and dates and work or lack of work you are required to do. Bring it in and ask the principal what can be done. Don't ask him to fire the teacher.

    Continue to document what the teacher does and what the principal does in response. If nothing changes ask the principal what he has done.

    Continue to document, if nothing changes bring your complaint to the school board. As them what can be done. ask them to develop a clear plan of action.

    Continue documenting, and repeat the same procedures until you get to the state board of education.

  7. they should but idk really know!!??!!

  8. I don't think that you could, but I think that you should talk to the principle because it does not seem that the teacher is teaching you and your education is at risk.

  9. What class is it?  In US by law the teachers have to have a lesson plan and the principal has to see and approve it.  I think the class should say something.  The teacher should not be watching TV of any sort during class.  

    Is everyone getting a good grade?  If everyone is failing and you are not learning something has to be done.

  10. I would be ragin if that was 1 of my teachers.

    In reality I don't think they'd get fired cos they're still teaching the work, maybe only from a textbook, but they are teaching it lol.

    Some teachers just teach better.


  11. Probably not directly, nor should you strive to ruin someone's life just because you don't like the way they do things.  What you CAN do is to let the administration know, very specifically and very calmly, about the things that you find inappropriate.  The copying out of a book  is inappropriate; doing other things while the students are otherwise engaged is probably not (for example, while I am giving exams my choices are to read something or to stare at the students - I think they would prefer me to read!).  Firing should be a last resort; it has devastating effects on entire families and lots of things have to be documented for this to occur.  What you can hope is that the principal or department chair will have a talk with the teacher, warn her that what she is doing is inappropriate, then help her to do better.  Unless she is being violent or otherwise directly harmful to students, she deserves a second chance.  If things don't improve next year, she could be fired (or, if this is not the first time a class has complained, she could be fired).  It is probably better for a delegation of students to go to the principal with this, rather than all of you complaining at once.  For one thing, it is less likely to be seen as a campaign on the part of one or two students to get rid of someone they don't like by firing up everyone else.  For another, you want the calmest, most reasonable, people to talk to the principal, and that is unlikely to include the entire class.  Any sign of whining, wild accusations, or efforts to retaliate for a bad grade will immediately reverse the sense of who is at fault, causing the administration to believe that this poor teacher is being ganged-up on by a class of terrible students, which would defeat your purpose.

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