
Do you think a glass half full of water is half empty or half full?

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Do you think a glass half full of water is half empty or half full?




  1. both

  2. depends if i only fill it half way....or fill it all the way then drink it half way =)

  3. Depends on what mood I'm in.  I always try to think half empty, that way when something happens I'm not as sad as I would be if I thought of it as half full.  I know thats kinda weird but.. thats the way I am.  Thanks for posting, Good luck.

  4. if you pour water in: it's half full.

    if you pour water out or drink it: it's half empty

  5. alway half full u have to look on the bright side xxxxxxx

  6. no you guys dont get it

    If you an always positive person you will always see it as half full but if you are a negitive person and are always down you will think of it as Half Empty

  7. half empty

  8. both but i just say half full

  9. both because its half the glass which makes it half empty and half full

  10. i'll take your word for it,you said half full

  11. just say half

  12. Depends on the day!

    Most days i consider it half full.

  13. well i think i wont bother myself thinking about it!

    if its my fav drink i'd take some more

    if its not then thank god its half empty already!

  14. If you filled it up half way its half full.

    If you filled it up to the top then drank half of it its half empty.

  15. I say HALF FULL,

    cause the glass itself

    ~~was made empty~~,

    and you filled it with water half of which you either drank or poured out, so now it's only half full,

    you see where I'm gettin here?  

  16. half full  

  17. It is relevant to the situation

    Half full...if you are talking about how much is IN the glass at the time, then it would be half full.

    Half empty...If you are trying to empty it for some reason, like maybe wanting to put something else in it, then you would say that you had it half empty.  

  18. I ordered Coke.  Take it back.

  19. half full :D

  20. Both =S...coz da glass is 50% full of water and 50% not full of water   8-)

  21. Half empty.

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