
Do you think a good color for my bedroom walls would be lime green and then aqua blue for the trim?

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lime green walls with aqua blue trim




  1. Not if you are planning on selling it.  But it is only paint and can be easily covered later.  If that is what you want go for it

  2. i wouldnt go for it myself. if you like blues or greens i would go for either dulux apple white (a really light green) or a light duck egg blue. these might be more 'calming' versions of the colours you like

  3. Speaking as someone who has a lime green room in her house, I would suggest that you go with an apple green or something not so neon.  We painted my daughter's room lime green with pink trim.  While it's cute, it is so loud, it's distracting.  One of her friends has apple green with light blue trim and it's adorable.  I think you will be happy longer with a  more subtle, yet still bright green.  My daughter already wants a different color only 6 months later.

  4. It's your bedroom, so it really all depends on what you like. I tell my clients to try and avoid making bold statements with their bedroom, because some colors tend to make you hyper. The lime green and aqua blue = hyper! I would tone down the same colors and that might work out better for a calming and fun space. Hope that helps!

  5. If you like it, go for it.

    Personally, I don't like it.

    But hey, you are the one living in there.

    YOU have to decide.

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