
Do you think a good parent would allow their child to be drugged?

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Psychotropic drugs are handed out like candy to children these days as a means of making them more manageable, we have already seen the results of this disgusting habit in the form of the school shooting and other acts of violence. How can a parent who actually cares about their child force feed them drugs so willingly.




  1. Have you ever been depressed? Have you ever been mindlessly going through the world with very little emotions at all and have the feeling of what's the point? Have you ever tried killing yourself? Until then you can't talk about antidepressants as if they are a bad thing. Of course there are lazy parents who only go for the quick fix and do not bother taking them to a counselor or a therapist to talk about their issues and expect it to magically disappear.

    Not all antidepressants work for everyone. There are different drugs out there and some work well for one person and it may not work for another. I for one do not believe that antidepressants are causing the violence in schools. It's the parents who do nothing for their child that cause it.

    They don't realize that their child is not doing well emotionally or socially and they regress to the point of being social outcasts. The problem arises is when these kids are being constantly teased by others, constantly having their feelings hurt, etc.......

    Here's my take on school violence

    So my prediction came true after hearing about the gunman from Virginia Tech. I predicted the reasons that came out on the news about this guy being picked on because he was different because he was new to the school when he first came to America and throughout his life. Am I really surprised by what happened? No! We still haven't even come close to why it has happened and we haven't done anything to fix it we can say that we have tried but really have we done anything to make any change so this doesn't happen again? It is far and it will take time and effort to have it changed.

                   Now the worst part is that the parents of the students who were killed are more then likely looking once their grief has subsided and turns to anger to sue Virginia Tech which shouldn't happen in the first place but it will happen. There were 33 victims the 32 students and teachers that were killed and the gunman. We are tired of hearing about the guy on the news but maybe instead of getting tired of it it is time to wake up. This happened for a reason and now once we hear why we want to have it stopped and have it ignored on the reasons why it has happened. In order to do that no matter how painful it is for the families that have lost loved ones we have to dive deep down on what could cause all this anger in just one person.

          The news reported about how he was a quiet person and rarely spoke as well as with his family. Yet, there are now reports from people who went to school with him stating that he was teased for being different or not knowing the language as well as other people did. Is it really that surprising that the hatred built up from elementary school until his college years? No not too me. Because I know what it is like to not want to go to school to not want anything to do with people and feel like no one wants to be your friend. It is not a fun experience!

          Maybe his parents could have done a better job in prodding what the issue was and force him to talk about what was going on! Who knows? Maybe they thought leaving him be eventually he would open up. Who knows will never know? His parents have said he has made the world weep yes he has for him and for the people who lost their life. But what happens to the parents who don't care? Or are too busy with other things such as jobs or putting food on the table? Who do not realize until later in life there might be something bothering their child?

            I know with me I always had my parents to go too but not everyone does. We really don't know what his family life was. Through hard work I learnedhow to ignore people and live life but for others it's a lot harder. People say sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. I can't tell you how much that is not true. Eventually since you are made fun of everyday at school, picked on, teased, pushed around, etc..... You start believing what most of them say and thats when people's self esteem drop.

           I can understand how someones hatred can build up for years and years that leads to something like this. I don't condone it and I hope it never happens again but in order to learn from this and to get this issue resolved we need to look back at the schools. Whats going on in them which will allow people to make fun of someone for being different, speaking another language, being different, not wearing the same clothes, not being popular, etc..... In order to get this issue resolved we need to start at an early age that just because someone is different or doesn't have the grasp of the language as well as you is no way a reason to make fun of somebody.

              They talk about bullies so much in the schools and that there are looking for attention. I rememember when I school I fought back and I usually was the one getting into trouble not the other way around. How fair is that punishing the one who is getting punished everyday by other students not too fair is it? No it's not. The problem is also that public schools don't have the capacity to punish students effectively anymore. So, even though they may get into trouble for picking on someone it doesn't resolve any of the issues and in fact suspensions, detention, including expulsion are not effective ways of dealing with this issue and instead just sends the problem to another school. Even when a child is suspended they like it because they don't have to be at school.

         So if you really are surprised a shooting of this magnitude can happen you need to look at yourself and go back to when you were in elementary school, middle school, high school, or any other school and see if you could remember a time you saw someone being picked on, teased, etc...... Ask yourself did you do anything to stop it? Did you join in? Did you just choose to ignore it? Did you stick up for the person? If not why not? If you did what made you do it?  I doubt anyone did anything to make it stop.

             Another question to ask yourself do you really not believe that someone being made fun of for years wouldn't have a breaking point? I can believe it but what also happen when someone beautiful or someone very attractive gives you the hint of interest? You get carried away you get caught up in their beauty you try to show who you are to them without even knowing the repurcussions of it because they may not have any type of feelings for you except for friendship which can leads to things such as a restraining order or stalking charges. From then on more then likely the hatred starts burning again and eventually you lose control and want someone to pay for it whether they deserved it or not.

    So all I ask is for people to stop looking down on this gunman listen to his story or find out the facts before rushing to judgement  you need to ask yourself did I really do something like that to someone? Could I have possible in some way caused all that hatred in someone? Maybe you didn't maybe you weren't even popular yourself maybe you were just there going from one class to another and never really thought much about it. Whatever it is we need to start accepting people for the way they are so this dodesn't happen again. All 33 victims need to be rememberd if we don't remember all 33 and just the 32 history will more then repeat itself.

  2. I think that everyone is different and although I don't plan on giving them to my children I can't say that I wouldn't in a severe situation. I also think that maybe you need to step off your soap box and try talking to people who really need, then you will see why you are probably putting a lot of people on the defense. I believe that they are over used but I wouldn't say it so accusingly.

  3. I can kind of guess that you aren't going to really get any answers on this one. We can all tell where you stand ... and it is more of a rant than a question.

  4. I have excellent parents, but I was put on medication for my Tourette's Syndrome when I was young at the suggestion of my neurologist. I don't think it was a psychotropic drug, but it was definitely a drug.

    This was not done to make me more "manageable," but to help me deal with a condition that can make life extremely uncomfortable and at times excruciating. My parents gave me the medication because they *do* care about me, and they thought it might make life easier.

    I ended up disliking the way it made me feel so they took me off it.

    Your link refers to antidepressants. Yes, antidepressants can have extreme negative side-effects, particularly in children, and I would be reluctant to put my child on them. That being said, I truly believe that the majority of parents who do put their children on antidepressants are not doing it to make their child more manageable, but rather because they see that their children are hurting and they want to do what they can to help them.

    I'm sure that there are some parents who are doing as you have said, and abusing their children's reliance on them, but they are not the majority, and I believe you are doing them a disservice by casting them as the bad guys when they are already in an impossible situation.

    Try to put yourself in these parents' shoes. They have a child who is miserable, and there is nothing that they can do to fix things, except to take a psychiatrist or a doctor's advice by medicating their child. The truth is, some problems only respond to medication, and it isn't fair to judge those parents who are doing their best by their kids just because you disagree with how they are doing it.

  5. Sadly, some parents just doesnt want to deal with their children.

    They "have" to work all day so they can afford a new car and live in a custom build home. They preffer to drug their kids so they dont have to work on them.

  6. they just dont givafuk.

    as if back in the day was any better? my grandma used to give my mom brandy as a child and let my uncle smoke weed when he was 12 years old. both my mom and uncle have been experimenting with acid speed and other drugs during their youth in the 60s/70s, and their parents didnt care because they were on it too.

  7. There are children on medication who need to be medicated. I understand there is concern that kids are over medicated but don't assume all kids on meds shouldn't be, there are children with legitimate mental disorders.

  8. I don't think that most of those parents really care. NOTE: I did not say all. But a lot of the children just need a little one on one time with the wooden spoon. My mom fed me drugs (ritalin) all my childhood. I found it the very hard to forgive her for that.

  9. well the best way u can help ur child is by being his/her best friend u need to feel that bond where u can talk about anythin i'm 20 and i wud not take any kind of drugs givin by spych. cause im scare i have seen cases where ppl that get use to that drug if its taken away from them its like 80% chance that ur child is goin to start consumin an ilegal drug because they want to still feel the effect that there is something thats goin to make them feel good or relax as a parent i wudnt do that as a daughter i wudnt wanna take it

    good luck!!

  10. Any good parent would do anything to help their child. period. and if their child needs to be on some form of medication weather it be for general health or mental health then there shouldn't be a question about it! because some kids do have depression issues just as adults and long with adhd and add and other serious conditions. its the same concept

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