
Do you think a hamster is a good pet? I have never had a pet and I'm ready to hold it and its afraid of me?

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Do you think a hamster is a good pet? I have never had a pet and I'm ready to hold it and its afraid of me?




  1. Hamsters are not social animals. In the wild they live alone only coming together to mate and raise their young. Two adult hamsters in a single cage will often fight to the death. Most don't like to be handled but they're exceptions. If you want a rodent you can interact with get a rat. Rats are much more intelligent and far easier to train.

  2. I wouldn't hold it right away, but the more you put your hand in the hamsters cage to change the water, food, and wood chips, it will learn that your hand and scent are not there to harm it.  It's easy to tell if it's scared, does it run from your hand? Does it bite? If it does neither, pick it up and hold it!

  3. I just got one hes great just get a baby dwarf hamster their cute but dont get fooled at the pet shop they drug them to be nice and stay awake.Go to the pet shop and put your finger by his mouth and if he bites put him down,if he doesn't and hes small GET HIM!Get him a 10 gallon tank a ball and a wheel some food some pine shavings and bark bites and a small den at petsmart.Make sure when you get him all the time before you handle him wash your hands and your face or he'll bite or worse die.But HAVE FUN

  4. How long have you had your hamster? They aren't my personal favorite, but I have met some very wonderful hamsters when well cared for. If you've only had it a day or two, just relax and give it some time. If you've given it a day to settle into the cage, then just be very quiet and slow with your movements. It may be afraid of being handled, but you should attempt to hold it for short periods of time so it is used to being handled from the beginning. You may be able to bribe it with some treats to be less timid.

  5. its the same with all small pets. Hold your hand in the cage and wait until he's used to it. Then, after a while, try petting him. Pet him off and on for a few days and then hold him in your hand inside the cage where he's comfortable. Last, the next day, hold him in the cage and then take him out.

  6. When you bring one home you have to give it a week alone in his cage to get used to things if you start to pick him up right away you will stress him and stress causes wet tail which is severe diarrhea and it can kill him. Then start slow just puting your hand in the cage then gradually start taking him out.

    I love hammies they are good pets but I suggest Dwarf Campbell hammies over regular Syrian (normal) hamsters

  7. a hamster is a good pet if you don't want to cuddle all the time like you can do with dogs and cats. my hamsters were never very friendly to other people except to the people it was most familiar to. just try to get your hamster used to you (if you have it already). let it sniff your hand and just let it warm up to you. hope this helps! good luck!

  8. Hamsters are great pets for people 10 & up. Also never use pine or cedar shavings bcuz they can cause respatory problems. & in his cage you should have a wheel, food, a water bottle, things to chew on & some Carefresh bedding. I hope this helps you.

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