
Do you think a job by commission is a good job?

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I got hired to work for a company which is paying by commission. You have to do a certain amount of sales at a certain amount of time to get paid. I got to complete at lease 8-10 sales a week to continue on to salary plus commission. Let me know if this is a good job or what is your opinion.




  1. If you are an aggressive sales oriented person, then commissions is for you.  You have unlimited earning potential.

  2. Hi,

    You cant get a straight answer for your question. We need to analyze an individuals SWOT(Strengths Weakness Opportunities & Threats). If you are a dynamic sales person then you can take this. Else you have to consider an option where you will be given a flat pay.



  3. So much of being a successful salesperson depends upon your confidence in the product or service and in your eagerness to sell it. Of course, it also helps if you have the training to learn how to make a cold call, how to make a sales call and close the sale.

    If you believe your are selling a good product, then that's really more than half the battle. The rest is being diligent in making your daily calls and in not giving up when things are going really good or really badly.

    Sales can be extremely lucrative, however, and there is always a need for successful sales people. If you can sell widgets, you can selling almost anything.

    The best commissioned sales people I have known were very competitive by nature and thrived on the challenge of making a sale. Sales by its very nature is a very competitive business. Even if you don't have direct competitors, you will always have other people competing for your customer's time, attention and money.

    Good luck to you.

  4. I read an article about this... I work on commission only and love it.  I make more money than I ever have and have a totally flexible schedule.  That being said, some companies are better than others at taking care of their people.  Anyway, here's the article.

  5. Commission sales jobs can be great. If you're motivated, and if your employer can supply quality products and good support, at competitive prices, you'll do well.

    Salary plus commission was an old custom for brick and mortar firms where you went 'in' each day to work. Theory held that if you occupied a desk and provided labor and analysis, you earned a salary. Above and beyond, you would get commissions for your sales. Field sales, where you don't report to a desk, often pay straight commission.

    Good Luck.

  6. i hate commission.  i work w/ a job where i get commission.  the thing is when the economy is slow and you are not able to get the sales, then that means less money in your pocket.  sales is hard enough, you want to add the stress of the market onto it.  i would run away as fast as you can if you can.

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