
Do you think a liar will ever stop being a liar?!!??!?!?

by Guest60321  |  earlier

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some people are just unbelievable, and it's a sickness in them more than just insecurity!!!!! What can the solution be?

Can we trust them?




  1. never trust a liar

  2. Depends on the person...if it is the occasional lie , maybe ,  but if this person is a compulsive liar  I doubt it.

    You can be sure that it is a symptom of a far more serious character flaw & will get even uglier as time goes on !

  3. people change

    this is coming from someone who made such a 180 flip in the past like 3 yrs in all that people who knew me then and people who know me now are shocked

    people make mistakes

    maybe they need guidance or support and maybe u are right it may stem from an inner insecurity within them that they may need help overcoming

    who knows lol


    Especially the chronic kind...

    But in some cases,  if its a friend of yours for example...if you show that person that you can see right through them and you find it soooo silly that they lie all the time...catch them in the act; then, its possible that they'll be embarrassed and stop lying to you at least...

  5. NO I dont think they can change.. Only if they really want to.. Like I always say the only think that can change a person is the Bible and God. Besides that they have nothing above them to make them want to change..  

  6. Everyone Lies . People lie because there scared , There's reasons behind lies... There is no solution for helping " Lairs " because technically everyones a LIAR.

    Can i trust you ?

  7. no not really.....

  8. I doubt it, but maybe I'm lying.

  9. The first step is accepting you have a problem and you are a liar, and realising the effect the lies have on your friends and your loved ones. Good luck  

  10. honestly NO, they cant stop being a liar because they are tooo good at they can tone it down and hide it, but can they ever truley stop...NO.  i have a brother that is a chronic liar and i think he believes his own my motto is, its a lie until proven true ;)

  11. A liar is a liar !! Ask some one who knows ! It's either u can lie or not & once u do u can never stop, if it's a small lie (lil darura) so that somone doesn't get hurt lol then that's a "white lie" that's for the best !so u balance ;) when am i going to cu eh? Mwah

  12. the solution is taking them to lebanon

  13. you saw the proof tell me

  14. no.....he'll not change and will be a lier all his life.

    He lies.....and what is worse.he lies different lies to different pple that are friends among them and compare the lies.

    Is a silly lier.............he doesnt know how to lie.......and forget about  some of them and then lies different abt the same thing next time.

    He has told you somethings......and had told me different things about the same.

    I know who u are talking about...and be one of us can trust on him.

    maybe he is sick....but u'll not invent that ur dad  died when he is alive....or that he is only son when he has  brother and sisters. I simply and directly, put him aside.

    That's too weird

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