
Do you think a lip ring would look good on me?

by  |  earlier

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ive always wanted thinking a loop on on the side

like this--

i have about 6 months til im 18 and i can get it then

will it look good..what side?

no need to crack on my looks though




  1. I personally do not think lip rings look good on anyone... I think you should get a nose ring!

  2. You look like someone I know baha. I just dont know who x_x

    anyway, I think it'd really suit you. I was expecting someone ugly who doesn't have a face for piercings. Cant say I'm disappointed though haha.

    I say go for it! ;)

  3. When I was 18 in the Marine Corps, I saw some really nice looking tatoos that I thought I would like to get.  I especially liked a cartoon bull dog with a drill instructor's hat and a little blue skunk.  But I thought, "What happens if when I am 50, I don't like those tatoos?"  I decided against them, and never did get a tatoo.  Now, at 62, I am glad that I have no markings or body piercings; among my peers now, they are considered mistakes of our youth.  I know very few adults that still recolor their tatoos, and even fewer who still wear nose or lip rings.  It's got to hurt, and I have decided that the accidental pain I have caused myself is enough; I don't like the idea of hurting myself on purpose.

  4. yeah that would totally look good

    why would anyone say anything about how you look??

    youre hot :]

  5. yep, i think it would suit you.

  6. yea it would look awesome. definetly get one!

  7. hm..

    maybe.. idk .. i'm not a fan of the look

  8. OMG that would look great on you. get one quick

  9. adding a lip ring wont change your goth look

  10. yes! that would look totally hot on you! good luckk :)

  11. lip rings dont look good on anyone. they look trashy.

  12. Go for it..I think it would totally suit you!!

  13. It would look awesome.

  14. No.  

    But don't feel bad, I don't think lip rings look good on ANYBODY.  

  15. I think you should get snake bites. ^_^

    Or whatever the h**l you want.  its your face. o_O

  16. yes, and the left side. love the gloves!  

  17. h**l yes! It'd look fantastic :)

  18. Snakebites are better...

  19. *I would have to say no because I (personally) think it would make you look deranged with some bisexual/homosexual qualities. But if that's what you are then by no means am I trying to knock you. More power to you then.

  20. yea it would look amazing!

    I have one in the same place actually =]

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