
Do you think a long distance relationship would work out?

by Guest33569  |  earlier

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Do you think a long distance relationship would work out?




  1. NO

  2. nnnnnnnnoooooooooooo

  3. I've been in a long distance relationship for a year and half now and my boyfriend and i are very much in love. Sure, it was hard at time...can't lie but in the end it's always worth it.

    You just have to be fully committed to each other, because long distance isn't just playing around...believe it or not it's a big step. You have to be able to stay positive and work hard.But it can definitely work out if you want it too.

  4. unless you guys are old enough to drive, not at all.

  5. You can't MAKE a long-distance relationship work. They either do or don't, according to how healthy they are. Let me explain.

    I've done long-distance twice. The first time, it fell apart. I was absolutely devastated at the time, but looking back, I'm able to realize that the distance was actually a blessing. Ultimately, our relationship just wasn't meant to be. I thought it was happy and perfect, but when the trial of distance came, it wasn't able to handle it. The distance helped us learn things about our relationship, ourselves, and each other much more quickly and completely than we would have if we had never faced that trial. I am thankful that we faced and failed it.

    The second time I faced long-distance worked. We are now married and don't have to worry about distance anymore (except the occasional business trip). Once again, the distance was a blessing which refined our relationship by fire, as it were. Except this time, it brought us closer rather than farther. Yes, it was VERY hard to do. But a strong, healthy, growing relationship will naturally have both parties communicating/chatting/emailing/calling as much as possible, and scheduling visits as often as is feasible. They take care of themselves.

    My point? The worthy relationships will feed themselves on hope, determination, and courage. The unworthy relationships nibble themselves to a premature death on doubt, weariness, and fear.

  6. I tried, but no...this probably sounds shallow, but for me, the physical part of the relationship is also really important. I want to be with him and hug him, kiss him, be able to go out with him and make him feel can't do that if all you have connecting you is technology.

    Though, it also depends HOW long of a distance it is...for me, it was states away, so there was no chance of meeting up after we'd met the one time.

  7. yes if you really love each other and are both faithful and dedicated to one another, true love always makes it!!!

  8. It depends on the people involved. Hundreds of people have gone into long distance relationships, to end up happily married later on. It depends on what both of you are looking for in a relationship. And your maturity, of course. Also it depends on if both of you have enough trust for one another, and if you can both handle the distance between you.

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