
Do you think a lot of people believe bad teeth are genetic...?

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so they don't have to face the true causes poor diet and hygiene?




  1. Bad teeth like color? Or bad teeth like adult teeth growing in before baby teeth are out and teeth growing in crooked/wisdom teeth impacted.

    There's a huge difference...

  2. rotten teeth are NOT genetic.

    crooked or yellow teeth ARE genetic. (well.. yellow teeth CAN be but not always)

  3. no my teeth r yello coz i smoke and drink tea by he gallon

  4. no because they are just lazy and try to blame on something that they have control of called brushing your teeth

  5. crookedness has nothing to do with poor diet and hygiene.

    When they say that they are referring to how crooked the teeth are not how yellow they are.  

  6. teeth can be good by diet overflow calcium ,vitaminC,dont smoking ,dont some sport like box,tooth brush after eat(3 times a day).go to dentist for chec up of teeth every 6 month,

  7. I don't have a choice whether to believe or not - it's in my genetics - my grandmother had bad teeth, my Mum has and now I

  8. Where is your proof that is caused by poor diet and hygiene? It might very well be genetics.

  9. some poeple may think that....

    teeth that are not completly straight - genetic

    however cavities and rotten teeth are due to peoples diet and oral hygiene

    and lifestyle choices - eg: smoking - yellow rotten teeth

  10. sum are genetic and sum arent...

    i really doubt the genetic mayb 1 in a 100.. wild guess but it sohuldnt be like that

    every1 is born wit nice fresh teeth..

  11. I had to have a a girlfriend who took excellant care of her teeth and she still got cavities and her teeth were yellow color but her younger brother

    never brushed his teeth and they were whiter and almost never had a where is your theory?

    some people have problems with their teeth no matter how much trouble they go to..braces and all that dental work and they end up with a mouth full of misery.

  12. My father and mother had false teeth b4 they turned 40. Determined 2 make sure I didn't follow in their footsteps, I developed a compulsion of brushing my teeth. To see me smile, u'd think I have perfect teeth; no visible rotting or gum recession, but on closer observation u'd notice they are clear, and  my molars are crumbly like chalk and they break under the least bit if pressure. My dentists said he could tell I brushed and flossed regularly because my guns were so healthy, but when I asked him what went wrong with my teeth he said, (and I quote),"it's genetic!"

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