
Do you think a month is long enough or...?

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Not long enough to have s*x with someone new? I feel like a teenager even though I am 29, I am really attracted to this guy but I don't know if it's to soon to have s*x? What ya all think?




  1. Yeah, that's long enough.

    You wait much longer, and he won't like you anymore!

  2. if you know him well why not, besides u r 29 and no one knows the answer to this but you so make the right decision

    answer mine please;...

  3. Well, here is your answer: Can you face this person, in the light of day, and talk about birth control, money, politics, and bodily functions? If the answer is no, it's too soon to have s*x. Oh, and you may want to ask about his sexual medical history...h**l if you can't ASK about it then I wouldn't touch it.

  4. If u feel like now is a good time for u then go for it..most guys dont mind if u take the reins and show them what u want:) worst that could happen is he says hes not ready which isnt so bad either cos it says he is just as worried about it as u and therefore places a fair bit of value on the developing relationship:)

  5. My last girlfriend, we ended up having s*x 6 days into the relationship, and it completely ruined the relationship.

    I think maybe you should wait a couple more months until you are both comfortable.

  6. What ever happened to taking your time to get to know someone before hoping in bed with them?  I miss that. Whats going to happen when your not having s*x?  

  7. I think that if you are both committed to the relationship then there is no certain time limit as to when you should become intimate.  Just do what feels right.

  8. it depends on what youre looking for in the relationship and stuff but personally, i would say that its too soon.

    3 months at earliest.

  9. I think it is kind of rushing it a bit.  It also depends on how often you have gone out?  Once per week or 3 or more times per week?  I would make sure that you know the relationship is going to last before you take the plunge and get intimately involved.

  10. I have a strict three month rule. If I don't feel like things are progressing nicely at the end of three months, it immediately jumps to the six month rule.

    I've only broken from this rule once, and that was with my current fiance, where I had s*x with him at about a month and a half.

    But, this is just my personal preference. If you feel like things are mature enough to handle it, go for it. =)

  11. I think it depends on what you want from the relationship.

    If you want it to be a s*x thing than no, it's not too soon.

    If you want it to be a lasting one then before you cloud things with s*x you need to build a freindship and common ground.

  12. well as a nurse a mom and a wife I would say it really all depends on your relationship and your ability to deal with things if they do not last after you give it up. but more importantly if you do give in  practice safe s*x use condom too many sexually transmitted diseases now a days that can kill you.  

  13. nope 2 young wait till ur 41 ok  

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