
Do you think a new President will change our economy?

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Do you think a new President will change our economy?




  1. i have heard a lot of people suggesting just that

  2. Yes. How much depends on who is elected,  remember, taxes and environmentalism drive the economy down... :)

  3. How he can, when everything is set in its routine?

  4. No. But that wont stop me from hoping and dreaming.

  5. well.....yes but only if u add me on messenger now

    my id-

  6. Well I remember when George H. W. Bush was president and the economy was good then came Slick Will and the economy was freakin badass then game old George Dubwya and its just sank like an old ladies chest.

  7. i don't think at this time it could be any worse off.

  8. I do.

  9. no, i don't think its possible to take our troops back from iraq, its impossible to just pack up and leave. so we're gonna keep wasting money there

  10. Vote for RON PAUL


  11. no.


  13. i think with the right plan, a new president can help, but a lot needs to be done to our horrible economy

  14. Yeah, I do.

    I thought that with Bill Clinton, our country had a surplus in money. now, with Bush, because of the war, we go about a billion dollars in debt everyday.

    So, hopefully, yes.

  15. They had better, if not we are in for some very interesting times, and not good ones.

  16. Whoever they are -- if they do Nothing it will not make the economy any worse.

  17. no, the economy just goes through cycles naturally, and i doubt either mccain or obama could fix it.

  18. well we just have to wait and see...!

  19. Yes.  At the end of the last presidency our economy was great.  Then another president came into office and it went all downhill from there.

    Yes the economy goes through cycles, but let's notice the pattern here and not be naive.

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